- foramen trigeminale 三叉神经孔
- Resecton of Tomors of the Foramen Magnum. 枕骨大孔区肿瘤切除术------玉琦
- Of or relating to the trigeminal nerves;trifacial. 三叉神经的属于或关于三叉神经的
- Of or relating to the trigeminal nerves; trifacial. 三叉神经的属于或关于三叉神经的
- X ray, 3D CT and navigation oval foramen locations were used in 22, 19 and 4 patients respectively on intractable trigeminal neuralgia in order that the direction and position could be defined. 对 4 5例半月神经节定位困难的三叉神经痛病人 ,在射频热凝治疗术中应用X线、三维CT或导航进行卵圆孔定位或在术中验证靶点。
- Specialized obturator foramen type of Flexible Neoprene. 专用密封闭孔弹性氯丁橡胶。
- In this experiment, anhydrous glycerol was injected into the mental foramen of rabbits to determine neurolytic effects on the peripheral trigeminal nerve by electrophysiologic and morphologic methods. 摘要本实验于兔下颌颏孔内注射无水甘油,通过电生理学及形态学方法,观察注射后下齿槽神经的变化情况。
- Unilateral cases may involve obstruction of the foramen of Monro. 也有特例是蒙罗氏小孔阻塞引起的。
- At the right is a probe patent foramen ovale in an adult. 右为成年人卵圆孔未闭的探查。
- So it is an optimal approach to treat trigeminal neuralgia. 因此,显微血管减压手术是外科治疗三叉神经痛的最佳手段。
- Trigeminal nerve aches, how to treat? Remedial method is there? 三叉神经疼,怎么治疗?有什么好的治疗方法?
- Patent Foramen Ovale and Recurrent Stroke Closure is the Best Option? 卵圆孔未闭与复发性卒中经皮封堵术是最佳选择吗?
- Objective To evaluate the anatomy and HRCT findings of foramen of nasal bone. 目的探讨鼻骨孔的解剖基础及影像学表现。
- CT and MRI could display clearly the trigeminal nerve invasion by tumor well. CT和mri能准确显示三叉神经肿瘤侵犯三叉神经情况。
- All giant cell tumors appear to be located at or near the foramen of Monro. 所有的巨细胞瘤均位于或者临近孟氏孔。
- It is hard to miss the new look of the website for Trigeminal Software, Inc. 要错过特杰软件公司站点的新内容,还真不容易。
- HIVD between L4/S, with obliteration of left intervertebral foramen. 第四和第五腰椎间有椎间盘突出,左边椎间孔有闭塞的情况。
- Abnormal muscle responses in hemifacial spasm:F waves or trigeminal reflexes? 半侧面肌痉挛的异常肌反应:F波还是三叉神经反射?
- Does Closure of Patent Foramen Ovale as a Treatment for Migraine with Aura? - 卵圆孔未闭的封堵治疗是先兆性偏头痛的选择吗?
- Objective To improve the understanding of foramen magnum meningiomas. 目的提高对枕骨大孔区脑膜瘤的认识。