- for variety rs sake 为避免单调, 为了多样化起见
- For God rs sake do not worry me. 看在上帝份上,别使我不得安宁。
- We moved out to the country for the children rs sake. 为孩子们着想,我们搬到了乡下。
- For goodness rs sake do not treat the poor kitten like that! 请看在老天的份上别对那可怜的孩子那样。
- I am not talking for talking rs sake; this is important! 我现在不是为了说话而说话,我要说的事很重要!
- More likely he will look to something else for variety or from necessity. 为了寻求变化或出于必要,他十之八九会注意到别的事物。
- By the late 1980s, many institutes were using ANNs for variety of purposes. 到了20世纪80年代后期,很多单位出于各种不同的目的,使用了ANN。
- For heaven rs sake! 天哪!
- Do not, for goodness rs sake. 看在上帝份上,别这样吧。
- For pity rs sake! 天哪!
- For goodness rs sake! 天哪!
- For Christ rs sake! 天哪!
- He goes to France for variety; it is a refreshing change to meet a woman mechanic. 他到法国是为了看看,遇到一个女技师倒是非常让人提神的。
- For mercy rs sake! 天哪!
- For variety Cindy joins a Hip Hop dance class as well. She chats to the guy next to her. 为了换换口味,Cindy也参加了一节街舞课。她与旁边的男士聊了起来。
- I'll help you for yaw sister's sake. 看在你姐姐面上,我会帮你的。
- Current isolated universities can not meet the need for variety of education in the new age. 目前的封闭孤立式大学组织不能适应新时代人类对于教育科研多样化需求,必将被体现合作竞争的虚拟大学所取代。
- For God rs sake, stop snowing! 看在上帝的份上,别再下雪了!
- He left for a variety of reasons. 他由于种种原因而离开了。
- For Pete's sake! Can't you make less noise? 看在上帝的份上,你能不能稍微轻一些?