- They retired to another room for private consultation. 他们退到另一房间秘密磋商。
- It' s only for private circulation. 这只在私下传阅。
- A demand for private cars has arisen. 对私家车的市场需求萌动。
- More money is spent for private security. 更多的钱被用于私人安全保障。
- The Barriers for Private Capital to Enter Telecom Industry? 民营资本进入电信业的壁垒何在?
- The default time-out value for private logon is twelve hours. 私人登录的默认超时值是12个小时。
- How to Establish the Interior Audit System for Private Enterprises? 建立民营企业内部审计制度的思考?
- for private distribution 用于个人的分配
- Customer management and control for private company III. 私营公司客户管理与控制必备手册2。
- She failed to attend the meeting for private reasons. 她由于私人原因没有参加会议。
- To transact(official business)dishonestly for private profit. 假公济私以舞弊手段假公济私地处置(官方事务)
- No explicit provisions existed for private companies. 对私营企业则没有明确的规定。
- This form is for private and inter-institutional students. 此表仅限于非政府渠道接受的外国留学人员使用。
- To transact(official business) dishonestly for private profit. 假公济私以舞弊手段假公济私地处置(官方事务)
- Therapists occasionally get contacted for private sessions. 治疗学家偶尔进行私下会面;
- In a utopian society there would be no need for private property. 在理想社会中,私人产业确实是不必要的。
- He often takes building materials in the company for private use. 他经常抄拿公司里的建筑材料。
- I considered this sort of activity inappropriate for private enterprise. 我认为私营企业不宜插手这种活动。
- Many people can't afford to go to the doctor or pay for private insurance. 很多人没钱去看医生,或支付个人保险费。
- The newspapers have made a dead set at this politician for using his official car for private purposes. 报纸一致抨击这位政客将公车私用。