- The small holeor holes in a pigeon loft for nesting. 鸽巢鸽棚里筑巢用的小洞。
- The blackbirds contested with one another for nesting territory. 法国和英国争夺北美的竞赛,结果英国胜利。
- The small hole or holes in a pigeon loft for nesting. 鸽巢鸽棚里筑巢用的小洞
- for nesting part 待排零件
- This gave the Black-naped a false impression that the place was safe for nesting. 可能燕鸥发觉没有人干扰,因此放心做巢,
- The search for nested types is not recursive. 对嵌套类型的搜索是非递归的。
- Weaver ants use silk squeezed from ant larvae to “glue” leaves together for nest building. 黄猄蚁用幼蚁产出的丝把树叶“粘”在一起,建造自己的巢穴。
- The birds typically choose large, older trees for nesting and usually inhabit a tree hole. 鸟类通常选择大型,老年树筑巢,通常栖息树孔。
- You can add a mushroom bird and glue a bit of raffia to its beak so it looks as if it’s using it for nesting material. 在鸟嘴上粘一些拉菲那树枝条,让它看上去像正在用树枝建鸟巢。
- It depends mainly on the abandoned burrows of prairie dogs for nesting sites and shelter. 它主要把土拨鼠废弃的洞穴作为筑巢地点和庇护所。
- As you ll see, the basic elements are arranged logically, and most elements follow similar patterns for nesting child elements. 您将看到,基本元素是以逻辑方式排列的,大多数元素都遵循类似的模式来嵌套子元素。
- She is for the most part a well-behaved child. 大体说来,她是个品行端正的孩子。
- The miners stayed out for the best part of a month. 矿工们持续罢工了近一个月之久。
- Part of every crop is saved for seed. 每一种庄稼都留一部分作种子。
- For my part, I don't mind where we eat. 对我来说,到哪儿吃饭都无所谓。
- Hello,Ms. Waltzon . This is David Yu,sales representative from Pacer Computers in Taiwan. I'm calling to reconfirm the appointment we set up for nest week. 您好,Waltzon小姐,我是David余,台湾Pacer电脑公司的业务代表,我是要确定我们约好下星期见面的事。
- For my part, I have no reason to doubt him. 就我来说,我没有理由怀疑他。
- Hello, Ms. Waltzon . This is David Yu, sales representative from Pacer Computers in Taiwan. I'm calling to reconfirm the appointment we set up for nest week. 您好,waltzon小姐,我是david余,台湾pacer电脑公司的业务代表,我是要确定我们约好下星期见面的事。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- Are you willing to stand surety for your brother? 你愿意当你弟弟的保证人吗?