- Profits for the whole year add up to 223,000 yuan. 全年实现利润累计为223,000元。
- This visa will not be adequate for the whole year master program. 这个签证有效期并不足够让你完成一年的硕士课程。
- I'm stuck with my sister for the whole day. 我一整天都让妹妹给缠住了。
- She refused to skivvy for the whole family. 她不肯给全家当仆人。
- It is universal truth that holds true for the whole world. 这是一条放之四海而皆准的普遍真理。
- Her friendly opening speech set the tone for the whole conference. 她友好的开幕词确定了整个会议的基调。
- Health worries preoccupied him for the whole holiday. 整个假期里他一直为健康状况而担忧。
- The detective spent the whole day lying in waiting for the suspected man. 侦探一整天的时间都在暗中监视那个受怀疑的汉子。
- Contrary to expectations, Glen remained sober for the whole of the party. 出乎意料,格伦在聚会上自始至终没有喝酒。
- The theatre had been booked up for the whole week. 剧院整个一周的票子都已订完了。
- The whole have been hunting for the missing child. 整个村子的人一直在寻找丢失的孩子。
- I have asked for the whole squad to be rounded up. 我已命令全班集合。
- It was also a black-letter day for the whole world. 这对全世界来说也是不幸的一天。
- It sets the tone for the whole show. 它决定了整个展览的气氛。
- The cold weather will persevere for the whole week. 寒冷的天气将持续整整一周。
- There will soon be no boundary for the whole world. 整个世界很快将没有边界。
- Let's hope it stay nice for the whole day. 希望一整天都是好天气。
- The whole country was anxious for the war to end. 全国人民都渴望结束战争。
- I was stuck with him for the whole journey. 一路上我一直没能摆脱他。
- The whole army began to clamour for the fosse to be filled up. 全军都开始叫嚷着要将壕堑填平。