- The film contained some old newsreel footage. 这部影片中有些旧新闻片的镜头。
- footage drilled 进尺数
- At six we were fallen in for drill. 六点钟我们站好队准备操练。
- The teacher drilled the class in pronunciation. 老师训练学生发音。
- The farmers drilled wells for water. 农民打井取水。
- The sound of that drill jangles horribly on the nerves. 那台钻机的声音响极了,十分刺耳。
- You'd better set a goal before you start the drill. 练习开始前,你最好设定一个目标。
- After a long drill he told the squad to fall out. 操练了好半天之后,他让这个班解散了。
- She had lots of drill in listening. 她在听力方面受过许多训练。
- This drill can bore through rock. 这台钻机能钻透岩石。
- The dentist's drill made a lot of noise. 牙钻发出很大的噪音。
- What's the drill for claiming expenses? 费用报销的手续,是怎样的?
- And what about the game footage clips? 问:那么在最后的游戏片断影像部分是?
- Estimated the square footage of new office space. 估算新办公室占地的平方尺寸
- They drilled through several layers of rock to reach the oil. 他们钻透了几层岩石以寻找石油。
- The class is chopped up into small groups for oral drill. 为进行口语训练,班级分成为几个小组。
- Showing another movie, presumably of game footage. 开始播放另外一个电影,大概是游戏的片段。
- Warning. This footage is in use. Are you? 警告。这素材在使用着。你确定吗?
- How much footage have you shot actually? 可否透露一下其实你们拍摄了多少片段?
- The pupils filed out of the room during the fire drill. 在消防演习中,学生们排成纵队走出房间。