- Her foot pointed artfully toward tapering toes. 她的脚巧妙地伸向了前端尖细的鞋子里。
- Feet point straight ahead, are round and catlike with toes set close together, and thick, well developed pads. 足爪:笔直向前,圆形的猫足,脚趾紧凑,脚垫厚实,发达而结实。
- The early Indiana person deer foot pointed cone's discovery had proven here once had the rich life, some exterminated, but is left over evolved present. 早期印第安纳人鹿脚尖锥的发现证明了这里曾经有丰富的生命,其中一些灭绝了,但剩下的演化到了现在。
- Schmidt said excitedly: “this tells us, the deer foot pointed cone is not they moves about in search of pasture to here stays behind, but is their family is here, north Indiana. 施密特兴奋地说:“这告诉我们,鹿脚尖锥不是他们游牧到这里留下的,而是他们的家就是这里,在印第安纳州北部。”
- It's impolite of you to sit with your feet pointing to others. 你坐着用脚指着别人是不礼貌的。
- You must not sit with your feet pointing at another person. 坐着时不要把脚朝着别人。
- You mustn't sit with your feet pointing at another person. 你不可以坐着把脚跷起对着别人。
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- He walked along as if favoring his sore foot. 他走路像是特别小心照顾他那只酸痛的脚似的。
- In parts of Asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person. 在亚洲的某些地区,你不可能坐着把脚跷起对着别人。
- In parts of Asia you mustn't sit with your feet pointing at another person. 在亚洲一些地区,你不可以坐着时把脚跷起对着别人。
- In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting. 至于费用方面,我们只好留到下次会议再讨论。
- My foot caught in a creeper and I pitched forward. 藤蔓缠住我的脚,使我向前倒下。
- In part of Asia you must not sit with feet pointing at another person. (部分亚洲你绝不能坐在一起脚指着另一人)这句好像是病句!
- The numbness in your foot will soon pass off. 你脚上的麻木感一会儿就会消失。
- Making a petit point pillow is exacting work. 做一个小花边编织枕头是一项细致活儿。
- I mentioned this point by way of cautioning you. 我提出了这一点用以警告你。
- Can you swing them round to my point of view? 你能让他们转而支持我的观点吗?
- He goes to school not by bus, but on foot. 他去上学不是乘公共汽车,而是走路去的。
- I don't see the point of her last remark. 我不明白她最后那句话的意思。