- foot (器皿)底足
- 器皿vessel
- 玻璃器皿glassware
- dial foot (钟)表盘面脚
- hot和foot无法押韵。You cannot rhyme" hot" and" foot."
- horses foot oil马足油
- iron foot (青瓷的底脚)铁足
- 她将餐厅内的银制器皿擦得雪亮。She scoured the silver in the dining hall.
- (=pounds per square foot) 磅/平方英尺p.s.f.
- 烘蛋糕之前先给白铁器皿底部涂上一层黄油。Grease the tin with butter before baking the cake.
- foot ring (瓷碗,瓷盘之底足) (碗盘)底足圈
- 锅是盛食物的器皿。A pot is a vessel for holding food.
- 表达“足端”的词就是“(足)foot”。The word for a pedal extremity is "foot".
- 搪瓷器皿容易弄干净。Enamel wares clean easily.
- handfootmouth disease手足口病
- 所有的玻璃器皿和瓷器都小心地收在箱子里,存放在地下室。All the glass and china was carefully packed away in cases and stored in the basement.
- [+arm,hand,foot] 将某物从某物中抽出来to pull sth free/out of sth
- 教堂用的金银器皿都锁起来了。All the church plate has been locked up.
- 按此速度,汽车每秒钟行驶88英尺 (不是foot)。At that speed, a car moves 88 feet (not foot ) in a second.
- 搪瓷器皿enamelled ware