- The list of low-income food-deficit countries (LIFDCs) was developed by FAO in the late 1970s to assist in analysing and discussing food security issues. 粮农组织于70年代后期编制低收入缺粮国(LIFDCs)名单,目的是帮助分析和讨论粮食安全问题。
- Yesterday, the City Office of Food Security issued an urgent notice requiring dairy producers to the Sept. 14 products submitted for Pipi. 昨日,市食安办发出紧急通知,要求乳制品生产企业对9月14日前生产的产品进行批批送检。
- Which security issues can you foresee? 您能预见什么安全问题吗?
- Mobile code raises a raft of security issues. 行动程式导致大量安全性问题。
- food security issues 食品安全
- They play a prominent role at UN conferences,advancing the views of their constituencies on issues ranging from women's rights to food security. 非政府组织在联合国会议上发挥着重大作用,在从妇女权利到粮食安全等各种 问题上提出其群体的意见。
- Forecasting, food security and famine prevention: is there a link? 预测、食品安全、饥荒之间的联系?
- And what happens when security issues do crop up in open source? 当在开放源码中突然出现安全性问题时,会发生什么呢?
- Professor Hess says food security is national security. DaleHess教授说食物安全就是国家安全。
- Co-ordinate Security issues according Perlos strategy. 根据贝尔罗斯的政策协调安全事务。
- They play a prominent role at UN conferences, advancing the views of their constituencies on issues ranging from women's rights to food security. 非政府组织在联合国会议上发挥着重大作用,在从妇女权利到粮食安全等各种问题上提出其群体的意见。
- The notion that free trade precludes food security is plainly wrong-headed. 自由贸易危害粮食安全的观点完全是错误的。
- Remember, however, that they are not a panacea for all security issues. 但请记住,它们并不能解决所有的安全问题。
- Poverty, disease and conflict have historically threatened food security. 贫穷、疾病和冲突在历史上威胁粮食保障。
- However, in the past, it is all the daunting security issues originator. 然而,回顾过去,它是所有令人头疼的安全问题的鼻祖。
- Full disclosure of rates, prices, privacy policy, security issues, etc. 充分披露利率、价格政策隐私、安全问题等.
- Poverty and Hunger discusses a variety of cost-effective ways to increase food security in the short term. 《贫穷与饥饿》讨论了在短期中提高粮食保障水平的各种各样注意成本效益的方法。
- Corporate Bond A debt security issued by a corporation. 企业债券由一家企业发行的债务证券。
- To deepen understanding of the potato's role in world agriculture, the economy and global food security, FAO specialists have compiled a series of factsheets on key issues in potato development. 为了加深对马铃薯在世界农业、经济和全球粮安全中作用的认识,粮农组织的专家编制了一套有关马铃薯发展中主要问题的情况说明。
- The MI5 scandal throws the security issue into stark relief. 英国安全局丑闻发生后;安全问题显得格外突出.