- Gets or sets the font style applied to the calendar. 获取或设置应用于日历的字体样式。
- Strive for a clean font style for maximum readability. 使用辨识性好的字体。
- Enable this checkbox to change the font style settings. 启用该选项来更改字体样式设置。
- These properties include border style, color, font style, and padding. 这些属性包括边框样式、颜色、字形和填充。
- Select the font style, size, and color in the appropriate drop-down boxes. 在相应的下拉框中选择字形、大小和颜色。
- Defines a programming variable. Typically renders in an italic font style. 定义程序变量,通常以斜体显示。
- Most have strict rules regarding the use of their logos, be it the font style, color or graphics. 许多公司对于其公司标志的样式,颜色和造型的使用都有严格的要求。
- For Conditional Formatting you can set Font Style, Underline, Color, and Strikethrough. 条件格式可以包括字体样式、下划线、颜色和删除线。
- There is an exception to the rule of not setting the font, which is for changing the font style. 对于此不设置字体规则有一点例外,即对于更改字体样式的情况。
- Changes the font style and size for the text that appears in statement completion pop-up in the editor. 对出现在编辑器的语句完成弹出菜单中的文本更改字体样式和大写。
- Choose a font style from the Family and TypeFace pop-up menus, and drag the size slider to change text size. 从“系列”和“字样”弹出式菜单中选取字体样式,然后拖移大小滑块来更改文本大小。
- The Underline font style is applied to the Font and the ForeColor is set to blue to make the label appear as a link. Underline字体样式将应用于Font而ForeColor将设置为蓝色,从而使标签显示为链接。
- This font style is imitated for display. The closest matching style will be printed. 此字体样式限于显示,打印时将采用最相近的匹配样式。
- As regards the notch ” “ V font style problem, you need to process the mining potential of corrosion intaglio. 至于处置瘪槽“V”字形题目,不离必要埋藏腐化不不凸版工艺的潜力。
- The following elements are all font style elements. They are not deprecated, but it is possible to achieve richer effects using style sheets. 以下的这些元素都是针对字体样式的。它们是符合标准的,但如果使用样式表的话可以达到更丰富的效果。
- The font styles all stay the same, just the size and color are changed. 字体的形式仍然保持原样,只是字体的大小和颜色改变了。
- You can see that the background color of the form and the font style of the text fields are applied as we defined them in the custom theme. 您可以看到所应用的表单的背景颜色和文件栏位的字体样式,与我们在客制主题中所定义的内容相同。
- On the Message tab, in the Basic Text group, you can select the font, font size, font style (bold, italic, and underline), font color, and text highlighting. 在“邮件”选项卡上的“基本文本”组中,可以选择字体、字号、字体样式(加粗、倾斜及带有下划线)、字体颜色以及文本突出显示。
- Therefore, the emphasis of normalizing the font style should be put on rationalizing the structure of the unreasonable characters. in the future norm of the characters. 我们在今后的字形规范中重点应放在优化不合理的字形结构上。
- Can you see any clues in the design layout (look at the illustrations and lettering i.e. font styles)? 你能看清文章的排版的什么线索吗(依据图表、字型,如字体样式)?