- Nice day, huh? Follow me for fun on ABC Happy Express! 天气无限好啊!坐上ABC快乐快车,跟我去寻找快乐吧!
- Line Groberg: Are you going to follow me for a long time? 你打算一直这么跟着我下去吗?
- The news of their marriage knocked me for a loop. 他们结婚的消息使我大吃一惊。
- He get angry with me for not have write. 他因我不给他写信对我生气。
- There's a car waiting for you,so please follow me. 有辆车正等着您,请跟我来。
- Please stay and visit with me for a while. 请待一会儿跟我聊聊。
- Follow me please, inhale! exhale! 跟我做,吸气! 呼气!
- My father crammed me for the entrance examination. 我父亲为了入学考试帮我恶补。
- I make a temporary number 32. Why? Follow me..... 临时拼凑起来的32号,未下面做准备。
- The police booked me for speeding. 警方因我超速行车把我的姓名记了下来。
- He's been at me for her address in New York. 他一直缠着我要她在纽约的地址。
- There's a car waiting for you,so please follow me. 有辆车正等着您,请跟我来。
- He made an apology to me for hurting my feelings. 他因伤害了我的感情而向我道歉。
- He mistook me for somebody else. 他把我错认为别人了。
- Did Jack thank me for my advice? Not on your life. 杰克有没有谢谢我的劝告?一点也没有。
- He underpaid me for the work (by 10). 我做这工作他少给了我(10英镑)工资。
- Follow Me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men. 耶稣说:来跟从我,我要使你成为得人的渔夫。
- She turned to me for companionship. 她找上我,要与我为伴。
- Mother reproached me for being too clumsy. 母亲责备我笨手笨脚。
- My aunt was sick with me for being rude. 姨妈嫌我粗暴无礼心里很不高兴。