- folk songs in Danzhou 儋州民歌
- They are said to have been collecting folk songs in Yan'an. 据说他们正在延安采集民歌。
- The folk song has a good run in this area. 这支民歌在这个地区非常流行。
- Wailing songs in wedding were once the popular lyric folk songs of Tujia people and the bride's right of utterance. 哭嫁歌曾是土家族地区风行的抒情性仪式歌谣,是新娘在哭嫁仪式中拥有的话语权。
- The influence of the English folk songs in Lawrence s works may be bound in both his poems and fictions. 借用英国民歌、民谣中比喻和象征手法歌颂人类性爱之美是劳伦斯作品的另一特色。
- The discussion should have a universal significance to the study of Ming and Qing ditties and to that of folk songs in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi as well. 本文有关南北曲同明清小曲、聊斋俚曲的关系的论述,对明清小曲、聊斋俚曲研究也有普遍的意义。
- The article proposed that to choose the fieldwork to instead of the wording of collecting folk songs in ethnomusicology research. 本文建议在民族音乐学研究中用“田野工作”替代“采风”的提法。
- But the most simple, the most sincere moved only the sound installation of campus folk songs in classical singing, recounting. 但是里面最淳朴,最真挚的感动只有那一首首经典的校园民谣在唱着,诉说着。
- The Zheng was mainly used for solos and the accompaniment of folk songs in its early days, but was also used in orchestral performances in the Tang Dynasty. 古筝在古代为伴唱民歌或独奏之用,在唐宋时亦于乐队中使用,著名独奏作品有广陵散等。
- ZuoQuan folk songs in qing dynasty, flowering adjustable enlightenment under the leadership of the communist party in the struggle, excavation, and sing. 左权民歌开花调启蒙于明清,在共产党领导下的抗争中,得到发掘、整理和传唱。
- The folk song in northern Shaanxi is one of the folk songs of the Han nationality, which is ideal combination of the local characteristics and pluralities. 陕北民歌是特色性与多元性结合的优秀民间文化,是汉民族民歌代表之一。
- Tianshui area, mainly attributable to the folk song in Gansu and flowers between Tao Min between the two types of flowers. 天水地区的山歌主要归属于陇中花儿和介乎洮岷花儿之间两种类型。
- The new folk song caught on really quickly. 这首新民歌流行得真快。
- Investigating part of the Altaic folk song we find their folk music is somewhat similar to the Mongolian pastoral song in the content of the words and the form of melody. 通过考查阿尔泰语系部分民族的民歌可知,在其民间音乐中都或多或少地存在着与蒙古族长调牧歌相似的歌词内容和旋律形态。
- Investigating part of the Altaic folk song we find their folk music is somewhat similar to the Mongolian pastoral song in the content of the words and the form of melody. 2. 二、蒙古族长调牧歌是蒙古族在以草原自然环境为对象,以游牧生产生活为内容的活动过程中形成的审美认识的体现。
- The entertainers kicked off with a folk song. 表演者唱了一首民歌作为第一个表演节目。
- Investigations into the traditional folk songs in the Tujia rural villages along Qingjiang valley show that there are various categories of folk songs with rich contents and respective features. 摘要对清江流域土家族村寨广大农村的传统民歌调查表明,此区域现存民歌种类齐全、内容丰富又各具特色。
- This folk song was sung in a Scottish dialect. 这首民歌是用苏格兰的方言唱的。
- He himself is fond of classic poems and the new style excellent pomes after May 4 Incident.He likes the theme of folk song, the style of folk song and the sentiment of folk song in the poetry. 本人热爱祖国古典诗词和“五四”以来新诗的优秀作品,崇尚诗歌的民歌体、民歌风和民歌情。
- It also achieved two silver medals of Folk Song in Accompany and Choral Singing during the International Choral Federation's Second Olympic Choral Competitions held in Bussan, Korea. 2002年参加由国际合唱联盟在韩国釜山举办的第二届奥林匹克合唱比赛,荣获有伴奏民谣和混声合唱两项银奖;