- Timeless Old Street with Classical Folk Custom. 悠远老街风情。
- Paper-cut of Fengxiang is a kind of folk custom. 每幅作品都洋溢着浓厚的生活气息和劳动人民对美好生活的向往。
- Sister :Welcome you to Miyun Folk Custom Pubs. 姐姐:欢迎你到密云民俗度假村。
- Doha2006 isgoing to show the Qatar folk custom to the world. 同时,本届多哈亚运会还将尽情展示阿拉伯风情。
- Have a little undershirt of the craft feel of folk custom very much, with the willful and graceful sentiment of tutti of seven-inch trousers. 极具民俗手工质感的小背心,与七分裤合奏随性的优雅情调。
- Visit? The characteristic beautiful scene of mining area,? Enjoy the local? Folk custom and style! 游矿区特色美景,赏兵山民俗风情!
- Kazak, one of the ethnic minorities in the northwest of China, has its own unique folk custom. 哈萨克族作为中国西北边陲的一支少数民族,同样也有着其独特的民俗文化。
- In this article the folk custom of Kazak is introduced through two aspects :idiom and culinary tradition.. 本文从哈萨克成语和饮食习惯两方面阐述了哈萨克民俗风情
- The folk custom of the phoenix worship is the custom caused by the fact that people worship phoenix. 崇凤习俗是人们由于崇拜凤而形成的习俗。
- The narrow street is full of the assorted vending booths, which features the folk custom all in it. 狭窄的街畔,各色摊点挨挨挤挤摆在两旁,赶集的人熙来攘往,踵击肩摩,民风民俗皆在其间。
- The folk custom of "praying for rain" described by contemporary Chinese writers has diversified aesthetic functions. 摘要中国现代乡土作家描写的“求雨”习俗具有多样化的审美功能。
- The folk custom of sociability facilitates the formation and development of Hanzhong cuisine. 好请客、吃请的民间饮食风俗,推动了汉中菜的形成和发展。
- The general features of his rural literature are real natural beauty and strong flavour of folk custom . 其乡土文学的总体特征是具有真实的自然之美和浓郁的民俗韵味。
- It is one part of the laboring people life and an important component of folk custom. 民间剪纸伴随著劳动人民的生活,从而成为当地民俗活动的重要组成部分。
- They are well fit for multifunctional buildings, hotels, restaurants, recreational spots, apartments, vacation houses and gymnasiums. 产品品质精良、运行经济,广泛适用于各类综合楼、宾馆、餐饮、娱乐、公寓、别墅、体育馆等场所。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- The old farm has been split up into house lots. 这古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地。
- Folk customs and freedom of religious belief are respected and protected. 风俗习惯与宗教信仰自由得到尊重和保护。
- Foreigners sometimes draw the conclusion that Americans are wealthier than they are because they have such things as vacation houses or beautifully landscaped gardens. 外国人优势会得出结论美国人比他们富有因为他们有度假屋或是景观美丽的花园。
- I drove up in front of the house and honked. 我将车开到屋子前面然后按喇叭。