- But does it make sense to focus only on providing basic services? 但是仅仅提供基本的协助是否有意义呢?
- They may focus only on wiper-blades, or staff appraisal, or showroom design. 也许他们只关注于雨刷器,或者激励员工,或者陈列室的设计。
- If we take the Keynesian maxim too seriously, and focus only on the short run, our prospects will be grim indeed. 如果我们认真看待凯恩斯名言,并关注短期,我们的前景可能真的很令人担忧。
- Giving a slanted view of the issue by focusing only on one side. 只关注一面,而给出一个歪曲的观点。
- In this lab, however, we will focus only on the classical abnormalities of the glomeruli. 不过在这个实验中,我们将只着重在典型的肾小球异常。
- In the initial requirements definition phase we are free to focus only on the “plot points,” allowing us to be fluid as we explore design concepts. 在最初的需求定义阶段,我们可以随意地将注意力集中在“绘图点”,这样让我们能够顺利地探索各种可能的设计概念。
- Under high time pressure,the controller may be able to focus only on the immediate problem and simply "not see" problems developing elsewhere. 在高度的时间压力下,管制员有可能只注意到那些迫在眉睫的冲突而忽视其他那些处于发展阶段中的问题。
- The Analysis Services installation how-to topics in this section focus only on installation options that are specific to Analysis Services. 本部分中的Analysis Services安装帮助主题只将重点放在特定于Analysis Services的安装选项上。
- When you focus only on increasing your value per hour and the time you spend, your income increases in a linear fashion. 当你仅仅着眼于增加你的价值,每小时的时候,你花钱,你的收入增加了线性方式。
- Stacking the deck Giving a slanted view of the issue by focusing only on one side. 仅集中在某一面,而得出一个关于这个问题的歪曲的观点。
- Under high time pressure, the controller may be able to focus only on the immediate problem and simply "not see" problems developing elsewhere. 在高度的时间压力下,管制员有可能只注意到那些迫在眉睫的冲突而忽视其他那些处于发展阶段中的问题。
- However, if the market focused only on peat-rich areas, then the price of carbon would only have to be half that price. 可是,要是市场只认泥煤丰富区,那么碳价格将只能是那个价格的一半儿了。
- Clearly, companies that focus only on customers who are easy to acquire and retain are not allocating their resources as efficiently as they might. 很清楚,一个公司只将重心放在易于获取和易于维持的客户上并不能尽可能有效地分配资源。
- The Analysis Services upgrade and migration how-to topics in this section focus only on upgrade and migration options that are specific to Analysis Services. 本部分中的升级和迁移Analysis Services的帮助主题只将重点放在特定于Analysis Services的升级和迁移选项上。
- This topic and the other Analysis Services installation how-to topics in this section focus only on installation options that are specific to Analysis Services. 本主题和此部分中Analysis Services安装的其他帮助主题仅重点介绍Analysis Services特有的安装选项。
- Focus only on more rules and the medium-term risk is of a colossal, semi-socialised banking system crawling with outgunned, possibly captive regulators. 管制机构只集中精力制定更多的规则,而中期风险却是庞大,半社会化的银行体系,其中满是落后甚至可能是被同化了的管制机构。
- He is honest only on the surface. 他只是表面诚实而已。
- "The rumors and misinformation that persist focus only on igneous stones, like granite, and do not involve stones such as marble, travertine, slate, limestone, soapstone and others," said Mattke. 约翰说:“谣言和误导一直针对火成岩(如花岗岩),并没有波及其它石材如大理石,洞岩,板岩,石灰石,皂石和其它石材。
- These tools are available only on lease. 这些工具只供租用。
- Their objective appears to focus only on building the shortest possible route between locations of interest at the lowest cost with little or no regard for environmental consequences. 他们的目标看来仅仅聚焦于以最低的成本在各旅游景点之间修筑最短的、可能的道路,而很少或没有顾及环境影响。