- foamed plaster moulding 泡沫石膏造型
- Study on Rapid Foundry Metal Mould by Foamed Plaster Mold 采用发泡石膏型快速铸造金属模具的研究
- Usage: mainly applicable to the fast drying of greenware and plaster mould in ceramic industry. 用途:快速干燥室主要用于陶瓷行业坯体及石膏模具的快速干燥。
- The whole technology process for casting the zinc base alloy patterns by plaster mould is also discussed. 论述了利用石膏型铸造锌基合金模具的整个工艺过程。
- Plaster mould precise casting process was used to manufacture zinc-base alloy mould for plastic wares production. 介绍一种用于制造塑料制品生产用锌合金模具的石膏型精密铸造工艺。
- Technology for Making Foamed Aluminum by Soluble Plaster Mould 可溶石膏型制取泡沫铝的工艺研究
- Behind the factory I found a broken plaster mould with a beautiful Chinese decoration which became part of a “leg” as well as a clay pilaster mould. 在工厂后面,我发现了一个坏掉的带有美丽的中国装饰图案的模具,这个图案成为“腿”的一部分,还发现了一个陶泥璧柱模具。兵马俑启发我做一个微型的军队。
- Thermoresistant saggers containing silicon carbide and granular filler were produced through slip casting in plaster mould. 用石膏模浇注法生产出了含碳化硅和粒状填料的耐热匣钵。
- The pressure casting process of oval platter was narrated,snd the requirements for plaster mould were given in this paper. 叙述了鱼盘压力注浆成形的过程和结果,列出了对石膏模型的要求。
- On the day of Lu Xun's death, Okuda Koka, a Japanese friend, cast a plaster mould of Lu Xun's face, on which are stuck 20 beards and two eye brows of Lu Xun. 鲁迅逝世当天,日本友人奥田杏花从鲁迅遗容上翻制了这个石膏面模,上面粘结了鲁迅的20根胡须和2根眉毛,这是迄今可以看到的鲁迅身上遗留下来的仅有的原物。
- The paper introduces the technology measures to obtain high quality zinc base alloy patterns such as:choked running pouring and insulating riser,plaster mould to be separated as cope and drag,etc. 介绍了为获得高质量锌基合金模具而采取的工艺措施,例如使用闭合式浇注和保温(?)口,将石膏型分为上下型等;
- The fusible and foaming plaster molds are compared. The cast of foaming plaster mold is discussed. The technology process of casting MC nylon by foaming plaster mold is given. 比较了熔模石膏型和发泡石膏型的差异,全面论述了发泡石膏型铸造的特点,给出了发泡石膏型浇注铸型尼龙的工艺过程。
- The facade of the temple is exquisitely decorated with plaster mouldings and murals of auspicious motifs. 庙宇正面饰有精致的灰塑及壁画,寓意吉祥。
- A research on reinforcing plaster mould 石膏模型的增强
- Quality Control in Plaster Mould Manufacturing 石膏模具生产中的质量控制
- It is a three-hall building with two spacious internal courtyards. The whole building is exquisitely decorated with fine wood carvings, polychrome plaster mouldings and murals of auspicious Chinese motifs. 邓公祠是一座三进式建筑物,有两个宽敞的内院,整座宗祠装饰精雅,有精致木刻、彩塑和中式吉祥图案等装饰。
- The surface of the water is full of foam. 水面都是泡沫。
- His broken leg was encased in plaster. 他折的腿打上了石膏。
- The ship's propeller churned the waves to foam. 那条船的推进器把水浪搅动得泡沫四起。
- The plaster had started to come away from the wall. 灰泥已经开始从墙上脱落。