- I wish I could fly to the sky one day. 我希望有一天我能飞上天。
- We fly to the sky with (the) wind. 我们乘着风向天空飞去.
- The girl let the kite fly to the sky by paying out the string. 小姑娘放绳让风筝飞上天。
- With the wind, these white seeds leave the easeful life, fly to the sky. 伴着轻风拂过,这些白色的种子终于离开了昔日的安乐,飞向了无边的天空;
- Because of fly to the sky,the life will be natural and unrestrained. 茫然的站在北极点,四周都是南。
- A rocket is flying up to the sky. 火箭飞上天空。
- The smoke ascends slowly to the sky. 烟袅袅升向天空。
- I fly to the sky blue and shout from deep of my heart. Nothing could stop the calling for freedom. 我飞向那天蓝,从心底呐喊,没什么能阻拦,自由的呼唤。
- Games climb pipe game, half-way to attack opponents, or fly to the sky with the eagles beat down. 这一款爬钢管手机游戏比赛,中途可以攻击对手,或者把天上飞着的鹰打下来。
- If you want to see the ringed structure of the mountains, you have to fly to the sky to enjoy them. 假如你想看到山体的环形构造,就要飞到高高的天空中才能看得到了。
- The old peasant looked to the sky now and then for signs of rain. 老农民不时望天,看看有无下雨的迹象。
- He is flying to the U S A at ten. 他十点钟就要飞往美国。
- Sleep lonely in flourish grassland and rest on flowing water.When it is clear and bright, egret will fly to the distance high above in the sky. 在这片珍稀乐园,高尔夫球友们更能品味出这首千古名篇的古诗新韵。
- People can fly to the moon by spaceship. 人们能够乘宇宙飞船飞向月球。
- Suddenly, a large eagle swoops to the beautiful girl, takes her under its wings flying to the sky and turns her into a beautiful swan with his evil spell. 突然间,一支庞大的老鹰从空中由远而近将少女掳走,用邪恶的魔法将少女变成了一只美丽的白天鹅。
- A rocket is flying to the space! 火箭冲向太空!
- Circling the lake ,there are lots of willows and reeds.It's the heaven of ducks and umbrette.When the sun falls,many ducks fly to the sky.What a beautiful scenary! 宿鸭湖环湖数万亩杨柳叠翠,两岸万亩芦苇荡是野鸭等野生动物的天堂,有“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”的美景,不是江南,胜似江南。
- The geese are flying to the south in autumn. 大雁飞向南方。
- I saw a plane flying to the north. 我看见一架飞机朝北方飞去。