- A shuttle loom without automatic filling transfer can not be classified as automatic. 如果有梭织机没有自动换纬机构,便不能被认为是自动织机。
- The result is that usually the warp shed must be larger than that for a shuttle loom. 纬纱会弯曲,这就要求喷气织机的梭口应大于有梭织机的梭口。
- Consider the simplest, plain shuttle loom on which only two harness frames are used for the shedding operation. 最简单的平纹织物织机,开口运动只使用两页综框。
- The mass of the reciprocating parts is small compared with that of the sley in a shuttle loom. 与有梭织机的筘座相比,苏尔寿片梭织机往复运动构件的质量较小。
- As the rapier head traverses the loom, it is allowed to rest on the raceboard, which is much reduced in dimensions from that found on a shuttle loom. 在剑杆带穿越织机时,可以沿直梭板行进,走梭板的尺寸比有梭织机要小得多。
- Use: warp real silk, artificial silk, cotton yarn and synthetic fiber into warp beam applied to shuttle loom and shuttleless loom. 用途:适用于将真丝、人造丝、棉纱及各类合成纤维等各种纺织原料经整经后形成适用于有梭、无梭织机织造的径轴。
- A single shuttle loom has one shuttle box on each side. In this case the filling is restricted to one color or type of yarn. This is normally denoted as a conventional loom. 单梭箱织机在织机的两侧各装有一个梭箱,在这种情况下,纬纱被限定为一种颜色或一种类型,这种织机一般称为常规织机。
- Type GA74 Rapier loom, as converted from the shuttle loom, with long sley sword and wide reed reciprocating space, can not meet the requirements of high operation speed. 由有梭织机改造成的GA74系列剑杆织机,由于用的是长的筘座脚和大的钢筘摆幅,故其速度不能有效地提高。
- The first development was in the textile industry when in 1738 John Kay invented the "fly shuttle," a device by which a weaver, instead of reaching across to throw the shuttle back and forth, could jerk a string and accomplish the same purpose. 最初的发展出现在纺织业中。 1738年,约翰 - 凯伊发明了“飞梭”,这种装置可以使纺织工人不必用手将梭子抛来抛去,而只需拉动一根牵线就能达到同样的目的。
- This article introduces the key technology of producing Lycral broadwise elastic fabric on home made equipments, such as spinning frame and shuttle loom . 本文研究了纬弹织物的纺纱及织造工艺技术,提出了利用国产设备(细纱机、有梭织机)生产纬弹织物的技术措施和工艺参数。
- Recall that the shuttle loom lays a filling yarn with every pass through the shed. There are also space limitations, since the single rapier must be at least as long as the loom width. 回想一下,在有梭织机上,梭子每穿过一次梭口,便引入一根纬纱。另外还有占地限度问题,因为单剑杆的长度至少应等于织机的宽度。
- The advantages of a period of sley dwell to increase the time available for weft insertion and thus allow a higher loom speed to be achieved, are so obvious that the possibility of including a similar feature on a shuttle loom should be considered. 筘座的静止时间对增加引纬时间,提高织机速度的这一优点是如此之明显,以至于应该考虑是否让有梭织机也具有类似的性能。
- In most instances this loom is not as fast as a shuttle loom because the rapier must be withdrawn from the shed prior to beat- up and, during this withdrawal, no filling is carried. 在多数情况下,这种织机的转速并不比有梭织机高,这是因为在打纬之前剑杆必须退出梭口,在剑杆退出时,并不携带纬纱。
- Technical reformation actuality of home-made shuttle loom is analysed in this paper with their application study result of shedding, weft inserting, beat-up, let-off and, warp stop motion as well as electronic driving unit and developing trend introduced. 摘要分析了有梭织机技术改造的现状,列出了开口、引纬、打纬、送经、停经、电气驱动装置的应用研究及应用成果,阐述了有梭织机技术改造的发展方向。
- The article illustrates the fuctions and requirements of the textile selvage, the distinguish of selvage made on shuttle loom and shutteless loom and their common use and attentions as well. 阐述了纺织品布边的作用和要求、无梭织机布边的常用类型及主要注意事项,详细分析了无梭织机的毛边与折入边的可适用性和成本价值。
- The problems in deciding technique parameters of weaving downproof fabric with 1511M or 1515 shuttle loom and the complete set remaking methods of relative mechanisms are introduced. 介绍了1511M,1515有梭织机织制防羽绒布的工艺参数选取问题及有关机构的配套改造方法。
- Discussion is done mainly on reeds of shuttles loom, espcially on the qauality test and trade norm. 摘要主要讨论无梭织机钢筘,重点讨论喷气织机用钢筘的质量检测及行业标准。
- If the yarn is to be used as filling in shuttle looms it must be repackaged on a quill. 如果纱线用作有梭织机的纬纱,则必须重新卷绕在纬管上。
- The bird caught a bug on the fly. 那鸟在飞行中捉住了一只昆虫。
- Production of Down-proof Fabric in Shuttle Loom 在有梭织机上生产纯棉防羽绒布