- flusing syringes 灌肠器
- This included syringes and blood collection needles. 这种医疗器械包括注射器和采血使用的针头。
- RISUG is injected through special syringes into the vas deferens. 注入是通过特殊的针筒进入输精管。
- The nest containing the syringes is fed into the machine. 巢载注射器注入机器。
- By using drip technology and using syringes to inject vegetation. 是通过滴水注射技术注入植物内的。
- Pre-injected syringes of vaccine are equally challenging. 预注射器注射疫苗也同样具有挑战性。
- As he strolled,he blew upon his syrinx or Pandean pipes. 他一路赶着牲口一路吹着他的绪任克斯笛(或称做潘箫)。
- Birds sing because they have a syrinx instead of a larynx. 鸟儿因为有鸣管而没有声喉,所以只能歌唱。
- As he strolled, he blew upon his syrinx or Pandean pipes. 他一路赶着牲口一路吹着他的绪任克斯笛(或称做潘箫)。
- AIDS can be spread among drug users through the use of shared syringes. 艾滋病可能通过共用的注射器在毒品使用者中传播。
- If syringes are reused without sterilisation, they can spread disease. 如果注射器没有消毒而被重复使用,可能会造成疾病的传播。
- The spread of HIV through infected needles and syringes is rampant and women are vulnerable to infection. HIV经由被感染的针头,和注射器迅速的扩散著,尤其以妇女容易被传染。
- This is a medical supplies company that produces disposable hypodermic syringes. 这是一家生产多用途皮下注射器的药材公司。
- In addition to the syrinx and the lyre, Hermes invented many types of racing and the sport of boxing. 再加上潘神销和七鸣琴,赫密士发明了很多类型的竞赛和拳击运动。
- Perhaps you have seen hospitals that gearing up syringes will not be a disgrace, but also managed to escape? 也许你看见医院那整装待发的针筒就不会这么想了,还能成功逃脱么?
- You pick up the weapons-School Official Cites Use of syringes! Fog emit drugs to eradicate the bacteria abhorrent! Mouse operation. 拿起你的武器----针筒!喷出药雾,消灭出现的可恶病菌!鼠标操作。
- The accines are then so stable, they can be preloaded into syringes or other injection deices. 这样疫苗仍然很稳定,可直接预装于注射器或其他注射用设备内。
- Perhaps you see that the hospital would not have to think about gearing up syringes, but also managed to escape? 也许你看见医院那整装待发的针筒就不会这么想了,还能成功逃脱么?
- Dozens of the little syringes poked into her head, implanting the hair strands, almost too fast for me to see. 几十个小注射器刺到她的头上,头发束植入,几乎太快了,我看到的。
- Manufacturers use the same technique to sterilize many disposable medical devices like syringes and needles. 制造商使用相同的技术消毒一次性的医疗设备,如注射器和针头。