- fluorescent light tube 荧光灯管;光管
- Check for other interfering IR sources in the room i.e. fluorescent light tubes, sunlight, active IR COM ports from laptops etc 检查室内是否有其它IR干扰源,如荧光灯管、日光、笔记本电脑激活的IR通讯口等。(IR=红外线)
- What will prolonged exposure to fluorescent light do to beer? 啤酒长时间的暴露在荧光灯下会有什么影响吗?
- Use compact fluorescent light bulbs instead of ordinary light bulbs. 使用悭电灯泡代替普通的白热灯泡。
- Do you use fluorescent lighting? 您使用日光灯吗?
- There are two fluorescent lights on the ceiling. 天花板上挂了两盏日光灯。
- Fluorescent lighting is much cheaper to use than light bulbs. 霓虹灯比照明灯泡要便宜。
- I hate this cheap fluorescent lighting. 我讨厌这些廉价的日光灯。
- Features:During replacing with florescent light tube, the cover can be opened easily without use of any tool. 换装日光灯时,免用工具即可轻易开启盖子。
- Replacing one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb will save 150 pounds of carbon dioxide a year. 用荧光灯泡代替普通的白炽灯泡,每年可减少排放150磅的二氧化碳。
- For better results, put it on the place where there is light(sun, fluorescent light, etc. 用在有光源(太阳光、荧光等)的地方效果会更好。
- The inside packs a footight tube,the fleetness starts in a moment,can according to customer request refit the one foot light tube. 内装单脚灯管;快速瞬时启动;可根据用户要求改装双脚灯管.
- Fluorescent lights are more energy- efficient than ordinary light bulbs. 荧光灯比普通灯泡节能。
- Normally,the light tube preheater with great volume and mass was modified into thermo-tube preheater with high technology and compact in design. 通过改造把原来体积和重量很大的光管预热器改为技术先进、结构紧凑的热管空气预热器。
- Ultraviolet light tubes can be used for disinfection. 紫外线灯管可以用来消毒。
- Not having been bathed in serotonin, the new proteins glowed green under the fluorescent light as they were created. 不需要在血清素里清晰;新的蛋白质在荧光灯下会发出自身的绿光.
- Proctoscope:Lighted tube used to inspect the rectum and lower colon. 直肠镜: 用来检视直肠和下部结肠的有照明设备的管子。
- Shield one's eyes from the glare of the overhead fluorescent lights. 遮住头顶上方荧光灯眩目的光以保护眼睛。
- Proctoscope: Lighted tube used to inspect the rectum and lower colon. 直肠镜:用来检视直肠和下部结肠的有照明设备的管子。
- You have light emitting diodes - LEDs, CFLs - compact fluorescent light bulbs, halogens. 有发光二极管,节能荧光灯。