- four kinds of fluid retention syndrome 四饮
- Characterized by hypertension and fluid retention and albuminuria. 特征是高血压或尿蛋白。
- Phlegmatic types are prone to water and other fluid retention. 粘液质(冷静的)类型者倾向于储留水和其它液体。
- "Despite cautious management, he had hypophosphatemia (low phosphate levels) and fluid retention," they wrote. 表演结束后,布莱恩花了3天时间来使自己恢复对饥饿的感觉。
- Abnormal peritoneal fluid retention with bulging of the anterior abdominal wall was also seen. 不正常的腹膜液体导致前腹壁突出。
- Try to drink lots of fresh, filtered water.It will detox the system and can reduce fluid retention problems. 多喝新鲜干净的水,水可以净化机体,减少体液残留(简单说,喝水可以促进新陈代谢)。
- TZDs are contraindicated in patients with moderate-to-seere HF because of concerns oer weight gain and fluid retention. TZDS禁用于中到重度心衰患者是考虑到TZDs可以导致液体潴留增加体重。
- Syndrome of cold fluid retention in lung 寒饮蕴肺证
- TZD drugs have some serious side effects including weight gain and fluid retention, as well as increasing the risk for heart failure. 噻唑烷二酮类药物药物也有一些严重的副反应,包括体重的增加、液体潴留,以及增加心力衰竭危险性。
- However, thiazolidine-diones can cause weight gain, fluid retention and edema,and bone loss which has been reported in resent years. 该类药物除主要用于糖尿病的预防和治疗外,在心血管疾病、炎症、牛皮癣、肿瘤等疾病的预防或治疗方面也显示出良好前景。
- On the whole,experts don't recommend taking diuretic products to combat fluid retention while these may get rid of excess fluid,they also sap the body of vital nutrients. 总之,专家们一般不会推荐利尿剂排除体内多余水分。虽然这样有效,但这类药物也同时带走体内重要的营养成分。
- Other common adverse reactions included anemia, asthenia, diarrhea, ocular/visual disturbances, fluid retention, alopecia, hepatic dysfunction, mucositis and renal dysfunction. 其他的一些不良反应有贫血、无力、腹泻、视觉紊乱、体液潴留、脱发、肝功能障碍、黏膜炎和肾功能下降。
- Syndrome of fluid retention in chest and hypochondrium 饮停胸胁证
- If the above functions are weakened due to qi-deficiency, the following pathologic changes will occur: tardy growth and development of the human body, hypofunction of the zang-fu organs and meridians, stagnation of blood, fluid retention, etc. 如果因为气虚而使以上的功能减弱,就会发生以下的病理改变:人体生长发育的停滞、腑经络功能减弱、液凝滞和津液停滞等。
- Common somatropin-related aderse reactions include injection site reactions/rashes, lipoatrophy and headaches, glucose intolerance, fluid retention and unmasking of latent central hypothyroidism. 常见的与生长激素相关的不良反应包括注射部位反应/疹,皮下脂肪萎缩和头痛,葡萄糖耐受不良,液体潴留,潜在的中枢性甲状腺功能减退症的暴露。
- The pathogenesis of HMG is that stagnated liver-qi transfer pathogen to the spleen,causing the fluid retention of the body,companying with qi, phlegm and blood stasis stay in the collateral of breast. 乳腺增生病的基本病机是肝郁犯脾,脾虚运化失权,津液敷布障碍,水湿内停,与气、痰、瘀互阻于乳络所致;
- There was no evidence of edema or fluid retention, and no significant changes were observed in serum brain naturetic peptide, tumor necrosis factor, prostate-specific antigen, or hematocrit levels. 并没有发现液体滞留的水肿;脑部血液排钠胜激素、肿瘤坏死因子、摄护腺特定抗原或血球容积等,皆无明显改变。
- epigastralgia with fluid retention 停饮心痛
- Sick building syndrome is a disease of our time. 办公大楼病症候群徵是一种现代病。
- Non-communicating cerebrospinal fluid retention 非交通性脑脊髓液潴留