- fluff my linesvi. 忘了台词
- I fear my Julia will not deign my lines. 我担心我的朱莉亚不会欣然接受我的书信。
- I feel a nibble on the end of my line. 我觉得有鱼轻轻地咬钩。
- And Lena is helping me with my lines. 莉娜在帮我对台词。
- What's the matter? I keep getting my lines crossed. 怎么回事?我总打不通电话。
- I always run over my lines before going on stage. 我登台演出前总要温习一下台词.
- I forgot my lines, so they had to do a retake. 我忘了我的台词,所以他们必须做重新拍摄。
- This sort of thing isn't my line of county at all. 我对这种事一窍不通。
- It is not in my line to interfere. 干涉不是我干的。
- I tried to tie these flies to my lines. 我试过要把鱼饵绑在钓线上。
- Sure of my lines,No one is there. 我的剧情依旧,可却没有一个观众!
- Dulling my lines, and doing me disgrace. 使我的诗失色,叫我无地自容。
- Soon,I have a small fish on my line. 不久,我钓着了一条小鱼。
- He had placed himself directly in my line of sight. 当时他恰好出现在我的视线中。
- I felt a nibble on the end of my line. 我觉得有鱼轻轻地咬钩.
- My line of work pays pretty well. 我的职业报酬颇丰厚。
- I was cut off on my line to London. 我打长途电话到伦敦时,电话线被切断了。
- Soon, I have a small fish on my line. 不久,我钓着了一条小鱼。
- My line was always, "Hi, I'm Heidi. 我的台词一直都是:“嗨!
- NO25>I'll give my line a quick tug to set the hook. 我要赶快用力拉起钓线让鱼上钩。