Steam generation from this hot flue gas is a last resort option. 从这种高温烟道气生产蒸汽是一种最后的选择。
This gas should be effectively utilized as preheated oxidant to steam methane reforming furnaces or to other large radiant-type process furnaces. 这种烟道气应有效地用作预热氧化剂,用于蒸汽甲烷重整锅炉或其他大型辐射型工艺锅炉。
Several flue gas desulphurization technologies are introduced. 介绍几种典型的烟气脱硫工艺。
The gas-phase diffusion mechanism and gas absorbtion mechanism in wet flue gas desulfuration have been analysed. 摘要分析湿法烟气脱硫中的气相扩散机理和气体吸收机理。