- flowmediated vasodilation 血流介导性血管扩张
- The endothelium influenced vasodilation effect of papaverine and lidocaine. 内皮细胞的功能可影响罂粟碱和利多卡因的血管舒张作用。
- AD usually causes a headache due to vasodilation of brain blood vessels. 广告通常会导致头痛,由于脑血管舒张血管。
- High concentrations may cause vasodilation leading to circulatory collapse. 高浓度暴露可因血管扩张而导致循环衰竭。
- Vasodilation and sweating dissipate heat through radiation and conduction from the skin. 血管舒张和出汗通过皮肤的辐射和传导散热。
- Vasodilation: leads to greater blood flow to the area of inflammation, resulting in redness and heat. 血管扩张:炎症灶血流量增加使得局部红、热。
- Topical preparations containing org. semiconductors to promote peripheral vasodilation. 含有有机半导体的促进表面血管扩张的热门制剂。
- Remifentanil Induces Systemic Arterial Vasodilation in Humans with a Total Artificial Heart Ouattara A, et al. 雷米芬太尼诱导装有人工心脏人体全身动脉血管扩张。
- Endocrine effects and unspecific reactions may contribute to L-arginine-induced vasodilation after higher doses. 提高剂量时,内分泌效应及非特异性反应皆可导致精氨酸诱发之血管扩张。
- Note the dilated capillaries in the alveolar walls from vasodilation with the acute inflammatory process. 镜下见大量中性粒细胞填充肺泡腔,肺泡壁毛细血管扩张表明急性炎症的舒血管过程。
- ConclusionAugmented endothelium-dependent vasodilation may play an important role in children with vasovagal syncope. 结论血管内皮依赖性舒张功能增强可能是儿童血管迷走性晕厥发生机制之一。
- The pathogenesis of HRS is very complicated, such as peripheral arteries vasodilation theory and hepato-renal reflex theory. 其发病机制非常复杂,主要有外周动脉扩张学说和肝肾直接相关学说。
- Con clu sion:In the early stage of type2diabetes,hyperglycemia after a glucose load may impair the endothelium-dependent vasodilation function. 结论:早期2型糖尿病患者糖负荷后高血糖状态对血管内皮功能危害较糖负荷前大。
- To find the effective part and effective components of Angelica sinensis in Siwutang which can produce an arteriolar vasodilation in rabbit. 研究发现“四物汤”中的当归对家兔主动脉血管有舒张作用的有效部位及有效成分。
- Shexintong capsule and Xiaoxintong capsule can improve the endothelium-dependent vasodilation in patients with angina pectoris. 结论经射心通胶囊和消心痛胶囊治疗后,心纹痛患者的内皮功能明显改善。
- PGE2 has diverse effects such as vasodilation, immunoregulation, and bone resorption in the process of periodontal inflammation. 经过近十多年的研究,前列腺素E2被发现和牙周疾病的进行有很密切的关系,前列腺素E2已然成为标定牙周疾病的化学介质。
- A drug (trade name Capoten) that blocks the formation of angiotensin in the kidneys resulting in vasodilation,used in the treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure. 一种阻止肾形矿脉里导致血管舒张的血管紧缩素的形成的药物(商标是Capoten),用于治疗高血压和心脏充血。
- Although earlier work noted that vasodilation promoted the onset of syncope, more recent work has suggested that syncope occurs prior to vasodilation (1). 虽然早期研究表明,血管扩张诱发迷走性晕厥,但是最近更多研究表明迷走性晕厥出现在血管扩张之前[1]。
- Adrenomedullin,a bioactive peptide,has been intensively studied in the last decade.It has several biological actions,such as vasodilation,natriuresis,diuresis,etc. 肾上腺髓质素是近年来研究较多的一种生物活性肽,具有舒张血管、利钠、利尿等多种生物活性。
- Mechanisms may involve decreased circulating volume decreased cardiac output and vasodilation sometimes with shunting of blood to bypass capillary exchange beds. 休克生理机制涉及循环容量减少、心排量降低和血管扩张,有时伴血液分流,绕过毛细管交换床。