- A novel on-line Redox flow injection analysis method for the determination of doxium has been established. 建立了在线氧化还原流动注射分光光度法测定多贝斯的新方法。
- A system of Ce(SO4)2H2SO4 for determination of COD in natural water samples by reversed flow injection analysis is discussed. 研究了Ce(SO4)2?H2SO4体系反向流动注射分析法测定环境水中化学需氧量(COD)的试验条件。
- An alizarin complexone(ALC) flow injection spectrophotometric method for determination of trace fluoride in water has been studied. 研究并建立了测定水中痕量氟化物的氟试剂(ALC)-流动注射分光光度法。
- A method for determination of trace Phosphate in water by flow injection spectrophotometry with Molybdophosphate and Malachite Green is described. 建立了流动注射-孔雀绿-磷钼杂多酸分光光度法测定水中痕量正磷酸盐的方法。
- A method was established for determination of molybdenum in water by flow injection spectrophotometry with Thiocyanate and Ascorbic acid. 建立了水中钼的硫氰酸盐-抗坏血酸体系流动注射分光光度测定法,优化了试验条件。
- A new chemiluminescence method for determination of oxytetracycline hydrochloride using flow injection techniqe has been established. 水浴加热后的盐酸土霉素在磷酸介质中,过氧化氢存在下与高碘酸钠反应产生强烈的化学发光。
- A flow injection spectrophotometry has been developed and used in the determination of content uniformity of diflunisal tablet based on such a fact. 基于上述原理,建立了流动注射光度法,并对二氟尼柳片的含量均匀度进行了测定,方法快速、简便。
- A method of flow injection analysis (FIA) was introduced into the spectrophotometric system of Mo-SCN~--RhB ternary complex for the determination of trace Mo. 本文将流动注射分析(FIA)引入Mo-SCN~--RhB三元缔合体系测定痕量Mo。
- The Flow injection technique was applied to an efficient on-line exchange pieconcentration system for the AAS determination of Pb, Cd, Mn, Cu, Ni, Zn in water. 本文用流动注射离子交换预浓集与原子吸收光谱在线连接测定了水中痕量Pb;Cd;Mn;Cu;Ni和Zn.
- Flow injection analysis combined with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry was adopted for determination of calcium and magnesium in natural water. 本文采用流动注射-电感耦合等离子体发射光谱联用技术测定了天然水中的钙、镁元素。
- A method for the determination of total phosphorus in circulating water samples by on-line microwave digestion and flow injection spectrophotometry is described. 利用流动注射分析技术并采用微波在线消解水样,建立了一种在线测定循环水中总磷的快速分析方法。
- The dispersion of flow injection analysis system is an improtant parameter. 在流动注射分析中,分散度是一个很重要的参数。
- A flow injection spectrophotometic method is suggested for the determination of chlorpromazine hydrochloride using a ferric phosphoric solid-phase reactor (SPR). 基于这一现象,将磷酸铁固相反应器引入流路,建立了流动注射在线氧化光度法快速测定盐酸氯丙嗪含量的新方法。
- A new flow injection chemiluminescence method for the determination of sparfloxacin is described. It is found that the chemiluminescence reaction of Luminol-H2O2 can be sensitized by sparfloxacin. 基于在碱性介质中;司帕沙星对Luminol-H2O2化学发光体系有较强的增敏作用;建立了司帕沙星的流动注射化学发光分析法.
- A new flow injection system, air-segmented FIA was proposed for rapid and sensitive determination of trace vanadium in tap and natural river waters based on its catalysis of oxidation of gallic acid by bromate. 应用空气整段间隔流动注射法与改进的钒-溴酸钾-没食子酸催化动力学反应体系相结合,建立了测定天然水体中痕量钒的催化动力学光度FIA法。 通过使用一个自制的进样阀,使样品带在反应管道中的留存时间得到延长,加热允许温度得到提高。
- Recent progress of the flow injection - chemiluminescence analysis was reviewed. 评述近年来流动注射化学发光分析法的最新进展。
- Trace amount of chromium and nickel was determined using a flow injection on-line extraction FAAS system. 本文用流动注射-在线萃取火焰原子吸收法测定了人发中微量的铬和镍。
- Based on the fact that amoxicillin enhances the chemiluminescence of luminol and K3Fe(CN)6,in alkaline medium,a new analytical method was developed for the determination of amoxicillin with flow injection chemiluminescence. 基于在碱性介质中阿莫西林对鲁米诺-K3Fe(CN)6化学发光反应有强烈的增敏作用;建立了测定阿莫西林的流动注射化学发光分析法.
- An AChE biosensor,connected with a flow injection analysis system(FIA),was derigned to detect methyl-parathion in seawater rapidly,by colorimetric determination of the activity change of the immobilized AChE from the organophosphorus pesticide. 将乙酰胆碱酯酶(acetylcholinesterase,AChE)传感器与流动注射系统(flow injection analysis system,FIA)相结合,通过光学方法测定固定化酶受农药抑制后的残余活性,对海水中微量甲基对硫磷进行定量分析。