- Bion J R.Steady and unsteady distorted inlet flow simulation for engine ground tests[R].AIAA 84-1490. 彭成一;马家驹;尹军飞.;新型畸变流场模拟装置[J]
- Tannous, A. G., “Air flow simulation in a minienvironment,” Solid State Technology, pp.9-18, 1996. 魏嘉言,“计算流力程式在无尘室空气流场分析之应用”,硕士论文,国立清华大学,新竹,2000年。
- Lien, H.C., Yang, J.C., and Yeh, K.C., “Bend flow simulation using a depth averaged two-dimensional model”, Hydrosoft‘96, 1996. 蔡东霖,黄良雄,杨锦钏,”分层分区概念应用于地层下陷模拟”,第九届水利工程研讨会,民国87年7月。
- At a rush time of construction intensity,earthwork excavation and traffic flow simulation analysis are validated whether it isreasonable.Thirdly. 对施工强度高峰时段土石方的开挖强度及交通运输主干道行车密度进行分析是否能满足要求。
- The short-core and long-core flow simulation t ests with cores of Shengli Oilfield during sandstone matrix acidizing are compar ed in this paper. 使用胜利油田的岩心对比了砂岩基质酸化中短岩心和长岩心流动模拟试验,试验证实常规土酸对地层造成较严重的酸化二次伤害;
- Three-dimensional flow simulation of mixing blocks in a conical twin screw extruder is performed with a fi nite element package, ANSYS. 利用ANSYS有限元分析软件对带有混合块的新型锥形双螺杆的混合段流场进行了三维模拟分析。
- LI Hai?feng, MU Zhong?bo, WU Yu?lin. The three dimensional turbulent flow simulation in semi?open centrifugal impeller [J]. Pump Technology, 2001(1): 915. 李海峰;穆忠波;吴玉林.;半开式离心泵叶轮内部三维紊流的数值模拟[J]
- The screw die has great superiority in producing wide and thick polymer sheet, so it is significant to study the flow simulation and parameters optimization on the screw die. 但长期以来,国内橡塑生产行业一直没有很理想的宽幅厚板材生产设备,而螺杆分配机头在生产宽幅厚板材时有很大的优势,故对螺杆分配机头进行流场模拟与参数优化是一项非常有意义的工作。
- In this paper we report the analysis of underfill encapsulation between the solder ball, micro-chip and substrate by experiment and 3D mold flow simulation. 文中主要探讨了覆晶封装底胶充填时,锡球、芯片及基板间的流动状况。
- And then management of chemical process flow simulation software respectively carrying out entire process flow simulation on this five kinds decarbonization handicraft. 运用化工流程模拟软件分别对这五种脱碳工艺进行全流程模拟;
- Three-dimensional flow simulation of mixing zones in a new conical twin screw extruder with mixing blocks is performed with a finite element package, ANSYS. 利用ANSYS有限元分析软件对带有混合块的新型锥形双螺杆的混合段流场进行了三维模拟分析。
- Three-dimensional flow simulation of kneading blocks in an intermeshing co-rotating twin screw extruder is performed by solving the Navier Stokes equations with a finite element package, ANSYS. 利用ANSYS有限元分析软件对啮合同向双螺杆挤出机的捏合块流场部分进行了三维模拟分析。
- Three dimensional flow simulation of new pineapple-like components in an intermeshing counter rotating conical twin screw extruder with mixing blocks is performed with a finite element package, ANSYS. 对混炼型锥形双螺杆的挤出产量、物料压力、物料流动状态及混合效果进行了大量实验研究。
- Seen from the detoxification and flow simulation result, the screw extrusion de-gossypol method and numerical flow simulation of this extrusion process were proved to be effective. 从脱毒结果看,螺杆挤压脱毒法效果明显,值得进一步研究和应用;从数值模拟结果看,本文采用的计算方法、处理及程序实现是成功的。
- An application of wheel flow simulator in the evaluation of pour point depressant is described in this paper. 探讨了用转轮流动模拟器评价原油降凝剂的效果和模拟输油管道输送添加降凝剂含蜡原油的工业性试验的可行性。
- In the core pin cylinder extruder, the flow simulate non - Newtonian fluid of the compound was built using the flow analysis network technique. 在销钉机简挤出机上,建立非牛顿流体的流动模型,计算出压力场、流动场和螺杆的特性曲线。
- A free flow of water came from the pipe. 水从管道里通畅地流了出来。
- In convection, hot currents flow upwards. 在对流中热气流向上运动。
- The flowing simulation is done using plastic Advisor affiliated to Pro/E software and injection locations is determined and injection system is designed on the basis of the results from this analysis. 利用Pro/E分析软件Plastic Advisor进行了模具注塑时的流动仿真,根据分析结果确定出浇注点,设计出注塑模的浇注系统。
- After several pumps, the water began to flow. 用泵抽了几下之后,水流出来了。