- flow direction adjustment 流向调整
- The flow direction of consecutive controls. 连续控件的流向。
- Drier operates in either flow direction with low pressure drop. 在任何一方向都可操作应用。
- Install valve in accordance with flow direction arrow. 按照流量箭头方向安装阀门。
- You can specify the flow direction by setting the value of the. 属性的值来指定流方向。
- Foreign trade enterprise should pay enough attention to ROE reformation, optimize production mix, mainforce costs management, improve market multi-outlet, adjust flow direction of international trade. 外贸企业要高度重视人民币汇率机制改革,优化出口产品结构、加强成本和费用管理、加速市场多元化步伐、及时调整贸易流向。
- Control arranges its contents in a horizontal or vertical flow direction. 控件沿水平或垂直流方向排列其内容。
- Methods the technic of multi-digital sensor timing in-phase control, simulation of infinitude imaging, auto-collection parameter control, direction adjustment, inside special blur matching arithmeticetc were used. 方法应用多个数字传感器定时同步控制技术、拟无穷远成像技术、适应采集参数控制、位校准、置专业模糊匹配算法等进行技术创新。
- Ensure that valve is installed in proper flow direction. Refer to flow direction arrow on valve nameplate or body. 确保阀门按照正确的流向安装。参照阀门铭牌或阀体上的流向箭头。
- Little flow resistance and corrosiveness of media.It has double flow direction and is widely applied. 液体阻力小,介质冲蚀小,具有双流向适用范围广。
- Gets or sets a value indicating the flow direction of the FlowLayoutPanel control. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示FlowLayoutPanel控件的流向。
- Such currents may form, disappear, or change flow direction within a matter of hours or days. 这样一些洋流的形成、消失或改变流向可能发生在大约几小时或几天内。
- Both docking and anchoring are relative to the largest control in the flow direction. 停靠和锚定都是相对于流方向上的最大控件而言的。
- Control to stop laying out controls in the current flow direction and wrap to the next row or column. 控件停止在当前流方向布局控件并换到下一行或下一列。
- The FlowLayoutPanel arranges its contents in a specific flow direction: horizontal or vertical. FlowLayoutPanel按特定流方向(水平或垂直)来排列其内容。
- The FlowLayoutPanel control arranges its contents in a horizontal or vertical flow direction. FlowLayoutPanel控件在水平或垂直流方向排列其内容。
- The FlowLayoutPanel control correctly reverses its flow direction in Right-to-Left (RTL) layouts. FlowLayoutPanel控件在从右向左(RTL)的布局中正确地反转它的流方向。
- Precision machined tilting disc and seat for tight shutoff in reverse flow direction. 精密机加工的倾斜式阀瓣和阀座,适用于逆流的紧密关闭。
- The determination of flow direction in regulate grid DEM is a key problem in distributed hydrological model based DEM. 规则格网DEM的流向确定是分布式水文模型的一个关键问题。