- English fans often seem to believe that Veron was a flop in Europe. 英国球迷好像以为贝隆在欧洲足坛一败涂地。
- Strong in action, gentle in method. 行动要坚强,方式要温和。
- Modern culture is scientific in method. 现代教育的方法是科学化。
- flop in method 增加法
- Additional sophistication in method of calculation is unnecessary. 没有必要进一步采取更精密的计算方法。
- Most CSAs are either organic or Biodynamic in method of production. 大部分社区支持型农业采有机或是自然动力方法种植。
- All some of those guys need in life is a flop in a flop house. 那类人中的有些人生活中所需求的就只是在下等客栈里有张通铺床位而已。
- His magic it truly ingenious both in effect and in method. 他的魔术它真实地巧妙实际上和在方法。
- The door flip flopped in the strong wind. 门被大风吹得砰砰直响。
- He works in methodic and effective way. 工作很有条理,办事效率高。
- Despite huge investment, the latest film from the production company was a complete flop in terms of box-office sales, and critical reviews. 这个flop,用在这儿,是说一个虽然投资很大,但是却并不成功的一部电影。
- Parentheses in method calls are usually optional and often omitted. 方法调用后的圆括号是可选的,并且经常被省略。
- It took several minutes to explain the concept to Mr Chang, who ultimately concluded that an odourless durian would flop in his country. 向常先生解释“无臭榴莲”的概念得花上几分钟,最终他指出无臭榴莲在他的国家没有销路。
- New training method of fosbury flop in China 我国背越式跳高训练的新思路
- The former Chelsea and Lyon midfielder had been an unmitigated flop in his first two seasons, but seems to be finding his feet since Claudio Ranieri's dismissal. “我的重生得益于主教练对我的信任以及能最大限度展示我的能力的新阵型。
- After yesterdays' flop in the negotiations for AC Milan's ace Kaka, Manchester City officials are willing to save face and are now targeting Russia and Zenit star Anderi Arshavin. 在昨天收购卡卡失败之后,曼城官方想迅速挽回颜面,现在把目标锁定为俄罗斯球星阿尔沙文!
- The CKO will differ in method and purpose from other corporate executives. CKO与其他的执行官对事情的做法和定义会有差异。
- Here his general interest in method and his particular knowledge of algebra joined forces. 他对方法的普遍兴趣和他对代数的专门知识组成联合力量。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。