- flood of North Korean refugees 朝鲜难民潮
- Apart from not wanting to irritate North Korea, with which it has an agreement to repatriate refugees, China fears that a flood of desperate North Korean asylum-seekers would destabilise its north-eastern provinces. 除了不想刺激与中国有协定遣返难民的朝鲜,中国担心走头无路的朝鲜人潮水般涌入,这些寻求庇护者会使中国的东北各省不稳定。
- The Tumen has been used for years by North Korean refugees defecting across the border. 多年以来,北朝鲜难民一直通过图们江偷越边境。
- In the South Korean capital of Seoul on Sunday, protests were also colored by criticism of China for deporting North Korean refugees back to their impoverished country. 在韩国首都首尔,示威者们因为中国把朝鲜难民遣返回他们穷困的国度而表示对中国的不满。
- "We will press to make it clear to our friends and allies in the region that we are prepared to accept North Korean refugees for resettlement here," Lefkowitz said. 据信目前有数以万计的朝鲜难民滞留在中国,不过他们一旦被中国当局发现就可能面临被遣返回国的命运。
- They were joined by other demonstrators critical of how China forcefully deports North Korean refugees back to their impoverished country when they escape into China. 现有约三万名中国学生在韩国学习。火炬传递在亚洲区域的前几站,有为数众多的中国学生参加。
- S. special envoy on North Korean human rights, Jay Lefkowitz, told a congressional hearing last week: "We need to do more -- and we can and will do more -- for the North Korean refugees. 虽然有关当局都拒绝透露有关第三国的细节,但是普遍认为第三国是越南。
- Japan legitimately sees itself as a possible target of North Korean aggression. 这是危险的。日本有道理认为朝鲜可能侵犯日本。
- A second was the occasional flood of refugees. 其二是偶尔发生的难民泛滥。
- A flood of this sort is really unprecedented. 这样大的洪水真是十年九不遇。
- A flood of cheap imports has come into the shops. 大量廉价进口商品涌入商店。
- He has pushed for faster deployment of missile-defence systems in the face of North Korean provocation. 安倍首相加速部署导弹防御系统以面对朝鲜的挑衅。
- Several organisations who deal with refugees have had reports of North Koreans burning money through fear it will be seen as treasonable to have accumulated it. 几家与朝鲜难民打交道的组织接到消息称,有朝鲜人正在烧毁手中的钱币,因为他们担心自己的攒钱行为会被视为叛国之举。
- There is a large North Korean refugee population in China but they remain underground for fear of being repatriated and sent to labour camps. 在中国境内有大量的北朝鲜难民,由于害怕被遣返和送回劳改营,他们都过着销声匿迹的生活。
- I received a flood of letters this morning. 我今天早晨收到一大批来信。
- Despite the subterfuge of the private lines, the majority of North Korean railway activity is pretty mundane. 尽管存在这种特殊的私人专线,朝鲜主要的铁路运行却是非常普通的。
- The official Chinese media has been unequivocal in its condemnation of North Korean actions. 中国官方媒体也毫不含糊地指责朝鲜的行动。
- The flood of hunters killed off most of the buffaloes in that area. 大量涌到的猎人捕杀了那个地区里的大部分野牛。
- North Korea makes little of interest to the Chinese, as the paltry array of North Korean trinkets on sale in Dandong suggests. 北朝鲜也在中国人身上获点儿小利。这点从其在丹东出售些不值钱的朝鲜小饰品就可以看出来。
- The Council tightened sanctions, including an arms embargo and a provision that encourages high-seas searches of North Korean ships. 安理会加紧了制裁,包括武器禁运以及支持在公海搜查朝鲜船只的规定。