- flood forecasting and warning system 洪水预报警报系统
- flood forecasting and warning 洪水预报调度
- Weather forecasting and warning service for the public and shipping. 为公众及船只提供的天气预测及警告服务。
- A flood forecasting and dispatching decision support system in Jiulong River Basin is developed by coupling Client/Server and Brower/Server mode. 摘要基于C/S和B/S相结合的结构模式,开发了九龙江流域洪水预报调度决策支持系统。
- Aimed at combining the city and watershed, the flood forecast and operation model of city and Watershed's flood control is built and tested by Jinan City as a touchstone. 摘要针对城市与流域相结合的情况,建立了城市防洪与流域防洪相耦合的洪水预报调度模型,并以济南市的实例加以验证。
- Crisis warning is a concept about forecasting and warning disadvantage and risk in a system based on the change of its inner and outer conditions . 危机预警是根据系统外部环境和内部条件的变化,对系统不利事件和风险进行的预测和警报。
- Flood forecast and operation of Feilaixia Project are essential in joint operation of reservoirs in the North River Basin, hence, it is of important significance to study its flood forecast model. 飞来峡水库的洪水预报和调度在北江流域的江河水库联合调度中十分重要,因此研究其洪水预报模型具有重要的意义。
- Over the years new innovative technologies such as wireless telegraphy, radiosonde, radar, satellite and computer, were applied by the Observatory for improving its weather forecasting and warning services. 历年来天文台应用创新的科技不断改进天气预报及警报服务。这些科技包括无线电报、无线电探空仪、雷达、气象卫星及电脑等。
- By researching and applications of the data collecting and dealing system, it has a great theoretical and practical significance on how to use AWS data to do the meso-scale disaster weather forecasting and warning. 通过对建立该资料收集处理系统的研究与应用,对在中尺度灾害性天气预报与预警服务中如何综合应用地面自动气象站观测数据有着重要的理论价值和实际意义。
- With rapid advancement in modern communication technology, nowadays the latest weather forecast and warning is readily available on various medias ranging from radio, TV, telephone to internet. 随著通讯科技的急速发展,最新的天气预报和警告皆可从电台、电视台、电话或互联网等媒体取得。
- flood forecasting and control system 洪水预报调度系统
- flood forecasting and dispatching 防洪预报调度
- flood forecasting and dispatching system 防洪预报调度系统
- flood forecast and control system 洪水预报调度系统
- Don't thank me. Thank your stars. I was there to hear it and warn you. 甭谢我,该谢谢你的好运气,我恰巧在那里听到了才来警告你。
- Discussion on Index of Drought Forecast and Warning 干旱预警指标探讨
- software for on-line flood forecasting and regulation 洪水预报调度软件
- A report and warning file (CQAnalysisReport. Xml). 报告和警告文件(CQAnalysisReport.;xml)。
- Tracing error and warning messages only. 只跟踪错误和警告消息。