- Application of Cybernetics to Flood Disaster Management System in Yangtze River 建立控制论支持下的长江洪涝灾害管理系统
- flood disaster management 洪水灾害管理
- For flood disaster relief in Venezuela. 援助委内瑞拉洪水灾民的收据。
- At least 241 have been killed and 204 missing in the flood related incidents in Pakistan, chief of the country's National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) said Monday. 巴基斯坦国家灾害管理委员会的长官在周一说,在洪水事件中最少241人丧生,204人失踪。
- The characteristics of flood disaster evolution in the Weihe River valley are analyzed. 分析了渭河流域洪水灾害的环流形势演变特征。
- The rest rescues numerous fires, flood disaster, drought for infusing more water! 休息是为了灌更多的水,解救无数火灾、水灾、旱灾!
- Urbanization will contribute to flood disaster, while forestation will mitigate flood disaster. 城市化会严重加剧流域暴雨洪水,而森林则有利于缓和流域暴雨洪水过程。
- WMO will also coordinate a series of meetings on flood disasters and flood management at the Forum. 气象组织还将协调论坛一系列有关洪灾 和洪水管理的会议。
- During the year, the CAS continued to send its permanent staff and members overseas for mountain rescue and disaster management training. 年内又继续派出职员和队员往海外接受攀山抢救及灾难管理训练。
- This model had high delicacy and effectively finished Real-time(quasi-Real-time) dynamic monitoring of ice flood disaster of Yellow River. 提出并建立的黄河冰凌信息提取模型具有较高的灵敏度,能较好的实现对黄河冰凌灾害的实时(准实时)动态监测。
- The affected Red Cross branches develop their capacities in community-based disaster management in future. 受影响的红十字会分支机构发展以社区为基础的灾难管理能力。
- In the upper Yangtze River valley soil erosion may shorten the life of the Dam,sticie the navigation and induce flood disaster. 长江上游的土壤严重冲刷将会缩短水坝的寿命,不利于水运交通并容易引起洪涝灾害。
- The disaster management agency predicted the toll will rise when more information becomes available from remote areas. 国家灾害管理局预测,在获得边远地区的更多信息后,死亡人数将上升。
- The changing trend of urban flood disaster mode and the effect of urbanization on characteristics of flood disaster are summarized. 总结了城市洪涝灾害成灾模式的变化趋势,及城市化对洪涝灾害成灾特性的影响。
- The supplies will be handed over to the Disaster Management Committee to be distributed under UNHCR monitoring. 这些救援物资将交给缅甸的灾害管理委员会分发。联合国难民事务高级专员公署将监督物资的分发。
- The 1998 Changjiang flood disaster was caused by two factors:anthropic and natural, including climate,geology, biotic and human activities. 1998年长江洪涝灾害的形成有自然的和人为的两种原因,系天、地、生、人多种因素同时作用的结果,是人类与自然不协调的表现。
- Aim: to explore the trench of acute schistosomiasis after flood disaster by the method of systemical and metasynthesis predication. 目的:应用系统综合集成预测法探讨洪灾后急感的发病趋势。
- During the year,the CAS continued to send its permanent staff and members overseas for mountain rescue and disaster management training. 年内,又继续派出职员和队员往海外接受攀山抢救及灾难管理训练。
- Meanwhile, because of flattening surface slope, there is a tendency to transfer downstream at the risk of flood disaster. 同时因总体水面比降趋平,洪灾风险有向下游转移的趋势。
- The TMG proactively called for the participation of the other cities in the disaster management drills that it holds every year in September. 都政府热情地邀请其他城市参加每年九月举办的防灾管理演习。