- floccular tenia 小脑小叶带, 小脑绒球带
- A professor with tenia tenure cannot be easily dismissed. 获得任期的教授不可轻易被解雇。
- Is that plain liquid adds a toning lotion get the floccular thing to go bad? 您的位置:知道大全>生活>美容/塑身>护肤>原液加化妆水起絮状物是变质么?
- If tenia tenure is denied, the person usually has a year to find another job. 如果未通过评估,申请者通常有一年的时间去找另外的工作。
- Under the melting condition, floccular fibril is made via external force and blow. 这种间隙可看作孔隙。因此,玻璃棉可视为多孔材料,具有良好的绝热吸声性能。
- But they receive lower pay than those on tenia check the tenure track and have no job security. 但是他们的人工比其他终身制的教授要低而且不用工作保险。
- At high magnification, the alveoli in this lung are filled with a smooth to slightly floccular pink material characteristic for pulmonary edema. 高倍镜显示,肺泡内充满表面光滑并且泡沫状粉红色物质,这是肺水肿的特征。
- ProfessorProfessors on tenia check the tenure track teach classes, advise students on and carry out research. 终身制的教授上课,教学生和做研究。
- It also summarized factors of affecting the bioflocculant production and the flocculating activity and their floccular mechanism. 阐述了生物絮凝剂生产及絮凝活性的影响因素和絮凝机理。
- Nunez,que tenia ganas de ir hasta las Colinas de Goose Green para recorrerlas de Nuevo. Nunez,想要去ColinasdeGooseGreen再次祭奠一下他逝去的同伴们。
- Se referia a que aun cuando todavia deseaba continuar haciendo algo, el nivel de fatiga que tenia se lo impedia. 这是指当他(拿破仑)还想继续做些事情的时候,他所感到的乏力让他心有余而力不足。
- An assistant professor who recieves tenia receives tenure becomes an associate professor and may later be appointed of a full professor. 如果通过了评估,那么助理教授将成为副教授,接下来还可能会被评为正教授。
- Those hired with the understanding they will see tenia seek tenure are set said to be under-tenia " on the tenure track. 那些已被雇佣并想获得任期的教师被戏谑为‘通往任期的途中。’
- And they say few tenia check fewer tenure track positions mean few fewer people to work with student to creat students, create new courses and servy serve on communitycommittees. 他们也表示终身制的短少意味著愈少人会和学生一起工作,开办新课程和为委员会服务。
- tenia chorioidea of fourth ventricle 第四脑室脉络带
- tenia plexus choroidetenia telae 组织带
- Glycometabolism and Medicine Selection of Swine Tenia Cystiercus 猪带绦虫囊尾蚴糖代谢规律与药物筛选
- Advanced on the study of antigens from schistosome and tenia 血吸虫、绦虫抗原的研究进展
- Screening of Microbial Flocculant-producing Bacteria and Ex amination of Floccular Effect for Related Waste Water 微生物絮凝剂产生菌的筛选及相关废水絮凝效果验证
- Keywords wastewater neutralization;floccular conditions and outlet sludge quantities; 废水中和;絮凝条件;产泥量;