- floating rate stock 浮动利率股票
- The floating rate is too much gamble. 因为浮动利率太冒险了。
- B: Would you like a fixed or a floating rate? 您要选择固定利率还是浮动呢?
- Wed adopt a floating rate loan for your company. 对贵公司我们将采用浮动利率贷款。
- So what is floating rate is made? 那么什么是浮动汇率制呢?
- China's mortgages are all floating rate. 中国的按揭利率都是浮动的。
- These are called variable rate bonds or floating rate notes (FRN). 这类债券称为“浮动利率债券”。
- Any date on which the floating rate payable on a floater is reset. 重新设定浮动利率证券的利息率的日期。
- An alternative to making such a traumatic decision is to have a floating rate. 取代作出这样带损伤性决定的一个办法是制定浮动汇率。
- Cap A floating rate note with an upper limit on the interest rate to be paid. 上限一种对利率规定上限的浮动利率本票。
- Since the election is coming, I think I'll choose the floating rate! 快选举了,我想还是浮动利率好了!
- The efficiency of the purchasing procedures for floating rate mortgages will be further enhanced by the forward commitment facility. 透过远期承诺安排,我们收购浮息按揭的效率将会进一步提高。
- Longstaff.F.and E.Schwartz,1995b,A Simple Approach to Valuing Risky Fixed and Floating Rate Debt,Journal of Finance. 李大伟;魏明;王琼.;基于强度过程的信用风险定价模型研究[J]
- There are many types of bonds, the most common of which are fixed rate bonds and floating rate notes (FRNs). 债券有多种,最常见的有固定利率债券和浮动利率债券(FRN)。
- China abolishes the official renminbi (RMB) currency exchange rate and fixes its first floating rate since 1949. 1994年中国废除了人民币当时的汇率并且自1949年来第一次固定了浮动汇率。
- The investor might use the fixed coupon to swap for floating rate income or vice versa. 投资者可以用固定利率的息票来交换浮动利率的收入,或进行相反的操作。
- The Jamaica Agreement of1976, signed by IMF members, formalized the floating rate system that replaced the Bretton Woods System. 由国际货币基金组织(mf)员于1976签订的牙买加协议,确定了代替布雷顿森林体系的浮动汇率体系。
- In this regard financial engineering commonly used method is the general arrangements for a "fixed rate and floating rate" swap transaction. 在这个方面金融工程通常采用的一般方法是安排一个“固定利率与浮动利率”的互换交易。
- The Jamaica Agreement of 1976, signed by IMF members, formalized the floating rate system that replaced the Bretton Woods System. 由国际货币基金组织(IMF)成员于1976签订的牙买加协议,确定了代替布雷顿森林体系的浮动汇率体系。
- Floating Rate Note(FRN) A bond where the coupon's interest rate is changed periodically in accordance to a specific market rate. 浮动利率债券(FRN) 息票利率根据一定市场利率而发生周期性变化的债券。