- Ku has to leave his home and lead a floating life throughout China.One day, Ku is surprised by Old Shen, the highwayman. 一次,汝章错手将豪门督军之子段三少杀死,顾父闻悉,故意将汝章逐出家门,亡命天涯,才能得以保存性命。
- The creationary transformations of expressing emotions traditions in Chinese classical literture achieve the special style of expression in Six Chapters of a Floating Life. 沈复夫妻的灵性雅趣折射出人文精神的闪光;
- We will begin with certain select passages from the Reminiscences Under the Lamp-Light with the author's wife Ch'iufu as the heroine,and follow it with selections from Six Chapters of a Floating Life,with Yiin as the heroine. 我们现在要先由《秋镫琐忆》(主人公是作者之妻秋芙)中摘录几段出来,然后由《浮生六记》(主人公是芸)中摘录几段。
- We will begin with certain select passages from the Reminiscences Under the Lamp-Light with the author's wife Ch'iufu as the heroine, and follow it with selections from Six Chapters of a Floating Life, with Yiin as the heroine. 我们现在要先由《秋镫琐忆》(主人公是作者之妻秋芙)中摘录几段出来,然后由《浮生六记》(主人公是芸)中摘录几段。
- Of these, Mao Pichiang's Reminiscences of My Concubine, Shen Sanpo's Six Chapters of a Quoted in ihr section on "Smoke and Incense. "Floating Life, and Chiang T'an's Reminiscences Under the Lamp-Light are the best examples. 关于这种著作,冒辟疆的《影梅庵忆语》,沈三白的《浮生六记》,和蒋坦的《秋镫琐忆》是最佳的例子。
- With no impurities in the Hexian guitar and vocals cappella, ordinary people simply to capture the sounds of the impetuous Some of the community and the poetic dream Chapters of a Floating Life. 用毫无杂质的吉他合弦和人声清唱,凡人质朴的音色捕捉着浮躁社会的点滴与浮生梦境的诗意。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- The ship ran a foul of the floating seaweed. 船和漂流的海藻纠缠在一起。
- She is in the primrose of her life. 她正处在她一生的最盛期。
- I reached for a floating log with my foot. 我伸脚去钩取一段漂浮着的木头。
- He tends to idealize his life in the army. 他总想使自己在军队里的生活理想化。
- Have you seen my keys floating about (anywhere)? 你在什麽地方见到我的钥匙了吗?
- Our life was unadulterated bliss. 我们的生活幸福极了。
- The raft was floating gently down the river. 筏子顺河水缓缓漂流。
- Life's primordial reality is spirit. 生命的根本真实性是精神。
- There wasn't enough water to float the ship. 水不够深,船浮不起来。
- Leaving her first job was a watershed in her life. 辞去她的第一份工作是她生活中的一个转折点。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。