- I had a quick flip through the book and it looked very interesting. 我很快翻阅了一下那本书,看来似乎很有趣。
- flip through sth 翻阅; 浏览
- I flip through my address book . 我翻一翻记事本。
- Flip through your cards in sequence or randomly. 用指头弹过序列的你卡片或任意地。
- Penetrate: v. Make a way into or through sth. 进入或穿过某物。
- Sebastian and Veronica flip through a book of wedding invitations. 塞巴斯蒂安和维罗妮卡正在翻阅关于婚礼请帖的书。
- I had a quick flip through the report while I was waiting. 我等待时迅速浏览了一下报告。
- To see other windows, you can flip through the stack. 若要查看其他窗口,可以浏览堆栈。
- I watched him flip through the letters on my desk in his nosy way. 我看到他以好管闲事的方式轻翻着我桌子上的信件。
- Flip through my rolodex. Find someone elseto escort me tonight. 去翻我的电子记事本。找个今晚可以陪我参加舞会的。
- Finally, he took his note-card file and began to flip through the cards. 最后,他搬过卡片盒来,随手翻阅着那些卡片。
- The room clerk flipped through his records. 房间登记员用手指翻看他的记录卡。
- She flipped through the book and found nothing. 她翻遍了那本书而没有发现什么。
- Flip through any American fashion magazines,you'll notice that most models are nothing more than skin and bones. 随便翻翻美国哪本时尚杂志,你会发现大多数模特都是皮包骨头。
- Surprised, Xu Huabei took the photos from her hands and began to flip through them. 徐华北惊讶地接过来,然后开始一张张翻看起来。
- He flips through a book before making a decision. 他在决定买下一本书前总要先草草翻阅一下。
- What if we flipped through it several times a day? 如果我们每天浏览好些遍,那又会是怎样?
- Good coffee table books are decorative, informative, attractive and they give your guests something to flip through while you're out of the room. 摆放在咖啡桌上的书要包装精美,内容丰富,引人入胜才算得上好。这样主人不在房间时,客人也有东西可以翻看。
- I sometimes flip through a magazine in a newsagent's but I don't usually buy one. 有时我在报刊经销店草草地翻阅一份杂志,但是我通常不买。
- I haven't read the book properly, I just flipped through it to see what it was like. 我没有真正地看过这本书,只是浏览了一下看是关于什么的罢了。