- flexible curtain (气垫车)挠性幕罩
- 车machine
- 被封存的空气,能将气垫车船托出水面或地面一小段距离the trapped air that supports a hovercraft a short distance above the water or ground
- 运输气垫车transport air cushion vehicle
- café curtain褶裥窗帘
- 车的vehicular
- curtain line (舞台地面和幕的交线)大幕线
- 开车to drive a car
- cafe curtain (遮住门窗下半部的帘子)半截帘
- WINCC-flexibleWINCC-flexible
- 下车got out
- 气垫air spring
- 上车to get on or into (a bus, train, car etc.)
- 过山车roller coaster
- 车市car market
- 推车go-cart
- 在车aboard
- 轨行气垫车tracked air cushion vehicle
- 车展car exhibition
- 购物车shopping trolley