- Place the lift on a firm and flat steel frame, or it may tip over when in use. 升降台必须放置在坚实平整的地面上,以防工作时倾翻。
- The tubes are bolted to the wall with the flat steel, open side against the bin corrugations. 采用扁钢将该管固定在仓壁上,使开口的一边对着波纹仓壁。
- Blue flat steel for ships has acquired certificates from LR(Britain) GL(Ger) and DNV(Norway). 船用球扁钢则取得了英国LR、德国GL和DNV挪威船级社工厂认可证书。
- The first 270,000 dwt ocean ship built of such flat steel by Shanghai Jiangnan Shipyard in 1983 won the gold medal awarded by the State for oceangoing vessels built for export. 1983年以来上海江南造船厂用本产品建造的2.;7万吨第一艘出中轮获国家出口轮金奖。
- Algoma steel in Canada and AL Ezz flat Steel in Egypt are the two plant in which this technology has been successfully developed. 加拿大的 Algoma钢公司和埃及的 AL Ezz板带公司是成功发展此技术的两家公司。
- And Otis Elevator in Farmington, Conn., has switched from wound steel cables to flat steel belts, allowing the sheave and motor to be downsized. 奥的斯电梯公司已经放弃缠绕式钢缆,改用扁平式复合钢带,以进一步减少绞缆轮与马达的体积。
- The ship passed the ball flat steel Veritas Certification Five marked varieties in the old structural adjustment on the unit and taken a new step. 此次船用球扁钢顺利通过五国船级社认证,标志着公司在老机组品种结构调整上又迈出了新的一步。
- Processing: The stainless steel thick plate, the seamless tube, the flat steel, the angle steel frosting wiredrawing, polishes 8K. 加工:不锈钢厚板、无缝管、扁钢、角钢磨砂拉丝、抛光8K。
- BlueScope Steel is an international flat steel solutions company, with a manufacturing and marketing footprint spanning Australia, New Zealand, Asia and North America. 博思格钢铁是国际知名的提供钢品建筑解决方案的跨国企业,总部位于澳大利亚墨尔本。
- In the 1990s, Roberto Rocca led another substantial steel project: the creation of an integrated pole of flat steel production activities around Siderar, in Argentina. 在20世纪90年代,罗伯托。罗卡领导了另一个子公司钢铁项目:在阿根廷的Siderar附近创建综合性扁钢生产业务。
- The flat steel is laid in longitudinal direction which is the direction of the length of the grating while the latitudinal direction is the direction of the length of the grating. 经向为负载扁钢,即钢格板的长度方向;纬向为横杆,即钢格板的宽度方向。
- For light industry which is not noisy, the roofing and cladding generally consist of factory-made sheets, of which hundreds of types exist, made of corrugated or toughed or flat steel, plywood, aluminum, or asbestos-cement. 对于没有噪音的轻工业来说,屋顶和围护材料一般用工厂制造的薄板,其类型有几百种,有瓦垄形的、槽形的或平薄钢板,胶合板,铝板或石棉水泥板。
- In this article, one method of using the combined support composed of baffles and flat steel to design tabular heat exchangers with low pressure loss and vibration protection was presented. 本文对设计降低压力损失和防止振动的管壳式冷却器,提出了一种有效的方法,就是管束采用折流板-扁钢条复合支承。
- Our flat steel has been approbated by ISO9000, and exports to many countries, namely Malaysia.We have wined a lot of fixed customers by our small profits but quick turnover strategy. 生产的扁钢质量保证,已通过了ISO9000技术认证,产品曾出口到马来西亚等国家,并以薄利多销赢得了一批固定的客户。
- Steel rings made of flat steel wires have been used in full steel loading meridian tyre without inner tyre before 10 years in advanced countries in Europe,such research in China is lacking. 欧洲发达国家10年前已将扁钢丝制成的钢丝圈用于全钢无内胎载重子午胎,我国这方面技术研究还不多。
- The company special produces more than 200 various specification steel, like cold roll flat stee, cold drawn flat stee, hot roll flat steel, shape steel and heteromorphism shape steel. 公司专业生产各种规格冷轧、冷拔、热轧扁钢、方钢及型钢两百余种。
- The man jacked up his car to fix a flat tire. 那人用千斤顶把他的汽车顶起以修理漏气的轮胎。
- The load bearing flat steel bar and banding steel flat have high strength only when vertical to the steel grating, so unreasonable pressure in other directions may lead to deformation or damage. 钢格板承载扁钢及包边扁钢仅在钢格板高度上方(垂直于钢格板平面方向)有较高的强度,侧向不合理受力会导致变形或损坏。
- Meiling grating is formed by the longitudinal and latitudinal arrangement of flat steel and cross bar at the given spacing.The choice of welding or Meiling clip is subject to customers. 美棱钢格板(又称美棱格栅板、美棱钢格栅)由负载扁钢和横杆按一定的间距经纬排列而成格栅,焊接或用美棱安装夹,也可由客户自定。
- He stumbled over a stump and fell flat on his face. 他给树桩一绊,摔了个嘴啃泥。