- flashing over of spark 火花飞弧
- There shall be no evidence of damage or flash over during the test. 测试后无可见损伤或击穿。
- What is the annual business turn over of your firm? 你们公司的年销售额是多少?
- The firework exploded in a shower of sparks. 烟火炸开放出一阵火花。
- They supported Japan's taking over of all the former German interests in Shandong Province. 他们支持日本接管德国以前在山东省的所有权益。
- She is so nice, she gave me half and a bit over of her sandwich. 她人真好,把多半个三明治都给我了。
- The PLA soldiers attacked the enemy under over of darkness. 解放军战士趁着黑夜袭击敌人。
- Ruhr 2007:What Is Left over of the IBA Emscher Park? 2007年看鲁尔:埃姆歇公园国际建筑展为我们留下了什么?
- Showers of sparks went up from the bonfire. 从火上升起阵阵火花。
- There shall be no evidence of damage or flash over during The test and sign in Focus. 外观无可见损伤,标志清晰。
- The welding rod threw off a shower of sparks. 焊条火星四溅。
- Flash over due to dirt of insulation outside the electric network of the metallurgic plant of Laiwu Iron &Steel Co. 莱钢冶金厂区电网外绝缘污闪的原因,是由于电网处于冶金厂区污秽较严重的生产区域。
- A shower of sparks flew up the chimney. 烟囱里飞出无数火星。
- The door closed silently.As I bade him good night I caught that desperate, hopeless smile again, like a meteoric flash over the rim of a lost world. 老头跟我来到车道拐弯处,门无声地关上了,同他道晚安时我又看到了那种绝望、无助的笑容,像从一个失去了的世界边缘上掠过的一颗闪光的流星。
- A log broke in two and sent up a shower of sparks. 一根木头断成两截,爆起一团火星。
- The amplifier exploded in a fountain of sparks. 放大器爆炸,喷射出火星。
- Usually when someone is struck by lightning, the high resistance of the skin conducts the flash over the body in what is known as a flashover. 闪燃俗称燃爆,是因温度升高而引起的一种现象,即当可燃性物质得到足够的热量所产生的燃烧。
- Hendricks E.Mean Value Modeling of Spark Ignition Engines.SAE paper 960616. 李人厚.;智能控制理论和方法
- Jones was run out in the final over of play before lunch. 午饭前比赛的最后一击使琼斯出局了。
- Going back in a flash over the women I've known.It's like a chain which I've forged out of my own misery.Each one bound to the other. 我很快回想了一遍我所认识的女人,这就像一条我用自己的痛苦锻造的铁链,一个套着另一个。