- He ran into an old flame of his at the supermarket. 他在超级市场碰见了他的一个老相好。
- flame retardaney 阻燃
- I add the coal on the flame continuously. 我不断朝火里添加煤炭。
- Billows of flame swept through the forest. 熊熊烈火席卷森林。
- The curtains were enveloped in a sheet of flame. 窗帘被火焰吞没。
- The flowering shrubs were a scarlet flame. 花丛一片嫣红。
- It seemed that his fury will flame out. 他似乎快要大发雷霆了。
- I'm sure his fury will flame forth soon. 我肯定不要多久,他就会大发雷霆的。
- A glass tube for enclosing the flame of a lamp. 玻璃灯罩围住灯的火焰的玻璃管
- The candle flame flickered and went out. 烛火摇曳着,随即熄灭了。
- The flame of the candle wavered. 蜡烛的火焰摇曳了一下。
- A flame of anger lighted in his heart. 他怒火中烧。
- When she became worried, words of encouragement just fan the flame. 当她忧心忡忡时,劝慰的话只会使她更加不安。
- The burning coals started to flame yellow and orange. 燃烧著的煤开始发出了黄色与橙色的火焰。
- Flame holders keep a flame going constantly. 火焰稳定器维持火焰不断燃烧。
- This light is a metaphor for the flame of creation. 这种光是对创造的火焰的一种隐喻。
- The hillsides in June flame with azaleas. 六月的山坡一片杜鹃花红似火焰。
- Tongues of flame leaped up the stairway. 火舌沿楼梯迅速向上蔓延。
- The smolder will soon be a flame. 闷火很快变为烈焰。
- A hot flame licked up from his belly to hischest. 一团烫热的火焰从他的腹部升腾到胸腔。