- The giant size packet gives you more for less money! 特大包装,份量多,价格便宜。
- IPv6 uses a header with a fixed size of 24 bytes. IPv6采用24字节固定长度的报头。
- Never use fixed size values. Always use relative size values. 不要使用固定的尺寸值。尽量使用相对的尺寸值。
- The type of a field, fixed size buffer, constant, or event. 字段、固定大小缓冲区、常数或事件的类型。
- Specifies the horizontal alignment for visual style elements with a fixed size. 指定固定大小的视觉样式元素的水平对方式。
- Specifies the vertical alignment for visual style elements with a fixed size. 指定固定大小的视觉样式元素的垂直对方式。
- Alternatively, click the design surface to create a text box of fixed size. 也可以单击设计图面来创建固定大小的文本框。
- List. This attempt will fail if the list has a fixed size or is read-only. 如果列表具有固定大小或为只读,此尝试将会失败。
- Similarly, the grid pattern in digital calendars is almost always of a fixed size. 相似地,数字化日历的网格始终有固定的大小。
- Virtual log files have no fixed size, and there is no fixed number of virtual log files for a physical log file. 虚拟日志文件没有固定大小,且物理日志文件所包含的虚拟日志文件数不固定。
- Be aware that the syntax for a fixed size buffer is different from that of an array. 请注意,固定大小缓冲区的语法与数组的不同。
- This error occurs if you use a fixed size buffer field in a class, instead of a struct. 如果您在class而不是struct中使用固定大小的缓冲区,将会出现此错误。
- Buffer is full, and the contents of the buffer cannot be written to the underlying fixed size stream because the. 位于基础固定大小流的结尾,缓冲区的内容无法写入该流。
- The hash is used as a unique value of fixed size representing a large amount of data. 哈希值用作表示大量数据的固定大小的唯一值。
- Note that the paging unit visualizes RAM to be partitioned into a fixed size of page frames. 注意,分页单元会直观地将RAM划分成固定大小的页框。
- Another way is fixed size such as this website. The size does not change no matter how much is the resolution. Yahoo. 另一种方法就是将网站设计成固定尺寸,比如
- However, the grounding system becomes saturated as more vertical grounding electrodes are arranged in a substation with a fixed size. 但在有限的地网面积范围内布置过多的垂直接地极时,垂直接地极的效果将趋于饱和。
- The small block allocator causes the creation of pre-allocated arrays of a fixed size. 较小的块分配器会导致创建固定大小的预先分配阵列。
- We do not have fixed size for the box and pack according to the actual shipping goods. “箱子没有固定的大小,依照每次的实际出货数量进行包装”。
- The tables are firmly fixed to the floor. 桌子都牢牢地固定在地板上。