- fixed regular working capital [经] 固定正常运用资本
- One's regular work or profession. 职业一个人固定的工作或职业
- We have a beautiful house, a regular work of art. 我们拥有一幢漂亮的房屋-精心建造的艺术品。
- He'll be glad to be in regular work again. 他将很高兴能重新得到固定的工作。
- They can't keep away from their regular work for long. 他们不能长期离开他们的本职工作。
- Jane hates being tied down to a regular work schedule. 简讨厌受到固定的工作的日程约束。
- Misappropriation of corporate loans to the working capital investment in fixed assets, the bank is "turning a blind eye. 企业把流动资金贷款挪用到固定资产投资上,银行也是“睁一只眼闭一只眼”。
- Payment for additional work done outside of regular working hours. 加班费对在正常工作时间之外做的额外工作所付的报酬
- He faced the world with the working capital of only $500. 他开始创业时仅有500美元资本。
- This position needs to work beyond the regular working hours. 这个职位的需要的工作时间超过正常的工作时间。
- You mean you need our bank to offer you a loan for working capital? 您是说您要我们银行提供流动资金贷款?
- In starting magnetic field before rotation, can fix regular number of fingers, fingering is thicker to cause maximum radius diminish. 在先加磁场方面,可藉此固定手指状数目,但手指状较粗导致最大半径变小。
- And we may offer you a loan for working capital in five days. 或许5天之内就可以给您提供流动资金贷款。
- He isn't in regular work.= He doesn't have regular work. 他没有固定的工作。
- He faced the world with the working capital of only ? 500. 他开始创业时,仅有500美元资本。
- On the seventh day hold a sacred assembly and do no regular work. 第七日当有圣会,什麽劳碌的工都不可做。
- Roy: Please tell me about RMB Working Capital Facility. 罗伊:请跟我介绍一下流动资金贷款吧。
- An activity taken up in addition to one's regular work or profession, usually for enjoyment; a hobby. 消遣在一个人固定工作或职业之外从事的活动,通常目的为娱乐; 一种爱好
- Subtracting current liabilities from current assets yields working capital. 流动资产减去流动负债产生营运资本。
- Collecting such natural produce has become part of their regular work. 采集这种野生植物成了他们的一项经常工作。