- Money on loan generally at a fixed rate of interest,is called debentures notes or bonds. 定期债券,通常有一个固定的利息,常称为债券、期票或公债。
- A security issued by a corporation or public body and carrying a fixed rate of interest. 由公司或政府机构发行的固有利率的有价债券。
- The Notes bear a fixed rate of interest and offer a steady stream of income to investors. 债券附有固定息率,能为投资者提供稳定的收入来源。
- Debentures, unlike shares, are loans to a company with a fixed rate of interest. 公司债券与股票不同,它是按固定利息率借给公司的贷款。
- The means of production formerly owned by the Chinese capitalist class came under state control long ago,and the payment of a fixed rate of interest ended 13 years ago. 我国的资本家阶级原来占有的生产资料早已转到国家手中,定息也已停止十三年之久。
- In joint state-private industrial and commercial enterprises, capitalists still get a fixed rate of interest on their capital, that is to say, exploitation still exists. 在工商业的公私合营企业中,资本家还拿取定息,也就是还有剥削;
- The means of production formerly owned by the Chinese capitalist class came under state control long ago, and the payment of a fixed rate of interest ended 13 years ago. 我国的资本家阶级原来占有的生产资料早已转到国家手中,定息也已停止十三年之久。
- Nominal bonds - pay fixed rate of interest 名义债券:支付固定利率
- When investing in debt securities that pay a fixed rate of interest, they additionally incur interest rate risks that involve the price of the securities falling when interest rates rise. 若它们投资于定息债券,在利息上升时债券价格会下跌,银行便要承担利率风险。
- The banks are lending money at a competitive rate of interest. 银行竞相以低利率贷款。
- The cost of production plus a fixed rate of profit. 成本加费生产成本加上固定的利息率。
- He used to lend money at an extremely high rate of interest. 他过去经常放高利贷。
- Our investment accounts return a high rate of interest. 我们的投资项目利润回报很高。
- Government grant for paying a fixed rate of interest 支付定息的政府拨款
- The rate of interest was put up in the last Budget. 刚通过的预算把利率提高了。
- The rate of interest has been held down. 利息率被压低了。
- Attractive rate of interest on any money. 存款利率高。
- These shares return a good rate of interest. 这些股票获利率很高。
- These shares return a good rate of interest . 这些股票获利率很高。
- The buyer is charged a preferential fixed rate of interest set by ECGD, 买方按ECGD规定的优惠固定利率支付利息。