- fixed line carrier 固定线路公司
- Low voltage power line carrier automatic meter recording system. 低压电力线载波集抄系统。
- A plane curve formed by the locus of points equidistant from a fixed line and a fixed point not on the line. 抛物线到一固定直线和不在直线上某一固定点等距的点的轨迹所形成的平面曲线
- Based on these above,a LAN is desig ned by LM1893carrier-current transceiver man-ufactured by National Semiconductor based on power line carrier. 在这一基础上,基于这一电力线载波通信技术,利用美国国家半导体公司的LM1893电力线调制解调芯片设计出了一个基于这种技术的局域网。
- The paper analyses the power line carrier communication channel and a kind of alarming net system on ST7536 is designed. 摘要本文对电力线载波信道进行了分析,并结合ST7536接口芯片设计了一种报警系统。
- These fixed lines have been called stationary lines. 这两条固定不动的谱线叫做无位移谱线。
- Among these,DPLC(digital power line carrier)access,Ethernet access,LMDS access,wireless WDM access are explained in detail. 其中,尤其对电力线接入等技术作了详细的介绍,并指出了接入网的发展前景。
- Hong Kong, for example, is the first city to fully digitise its fixed line telecommunications networks. 举例来说,香港是全球首个将固定电讯网络全面数码化的城市。
- A plane curve formed by the locusof points equidistant from a fixed line and a fixed point not on the line. 抛物线到一固定直线和不在直线上某一固定点等距的点的轨迹所形成的平面曲线。
- It is still the dominant fixed line telecommunications provider in the United Kingdom. 它仍旧是英国固定固定线路业务的主要服务提供商。
- Abstract: The transmission characteristics are investigated that includes the impendence, attenuation and noise performance of the low-voltage power line carrier channel. 文章摘要: 本文对低压电力线载波通信信道特性进行了实验研究,重点测量和分析了低压电力线的阻抗特性、衰减特性和噪声特性。
- The transmission characteristics are investigated that includes the impendence, attenuation and noise performance of the low-voltage power line carrier channel. 本文对低压电力线载波通信信道特性进行了实验研究,重点测量和分析了低压电力线的阻抗特性、衰减特性和噪声特性。
- Nokia Siemens Networks ( NSN ), is a world leader in mobile network and fixed line infrastructure. 诺基亚西门子通信,全球第二大移动网络公司和第三大固话基础设施公司。
- Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) is a world leader in mobile network and fixed line infrastructure. 诺基亚西门子通信,全球第二大移动网络公司和第三大固话基础设施公司。
- Dr John E. Newbury, “Power Line Carrier Systems For Industrial Control Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 14, No. 4, October 1999. 曾清奇,电力线家庭自动化网路与公共电话网路之互连,国立中正大学,硕士论文,2003年7月。
- GZ-155 digital aviation obstruction lamp is the most intelligent obstruction lamp developed on the basis of GZ-155 with the wireless power line carrier remote control technology. 155毫米单锥塑料透镜是一个菲涅尔透镜,它是由聚丙烯酸塑料注塑成型,透光率高,耐日光老化性好。
- Generally less than 20 kHz frequency called Distribution Line Carrier [DLC] and the non-use permit is to allow, on the basis of non-interference in each other. 通常频率少于 20 仟赫被称为分配线运送者 [DLC] 和使用是允许在一之上非得到许可的, 非冲突基础。
- EVs employing ultracapacitor as the only power may be used as fixed line buses. but the basic facilities ought to be imprared. 以超级电容为惟一能源的电动车可以作为固定线路车使用,但配套设施还需要完善,所以发展趋势并不乐观。
- The object of this thesis is a low-voltage power line carrier automatic meter reading system, and the power line carrier meter reading is used to attain the automatization. 本文的研究内容为低压电力线载波自动抄表系统,通过低压电力线载波抄表来达到抄表的自动化。
- PCCW launch a new multimedia service: EYE. A unique interactive multimedia service platform revolutionizes fixed line experience for Hong Kong households. 电讯盈科有限公司是全港首屈一指的电讯营运商,也是世界级资讯及通讯科技公司,为香港客户及商界提供全面的电讯及娱乐资讯服务。