- fixed inner core 固定的内芯
- The core of the earth is made up of a liquid outer core and a solid inner core. 地核是由一个液体的外核和一个固体的内核组成的。
- The core of the earth is made up of a liquid outer corea solid inner core. 地核是由一个液体的外核和一个固体的内核组成的.
- The Earth's core consists of a fluid outer core and a solid inner core. 地核由液态的外核和固态的内核组成。
- Our model predicted that the solid inner core should rotate slightly faster than the surface of the Earth. 我们的模型预测了固态的内核,应该比地球表面旋转得稍微快一些。
- The inner core of certain organs or body structures, such as the marrow of bone. 髓质某些器官或身体结构的内部或深部,如骨髓
- Each ring supported the others, and made the task of identifying the inner core much more difficult. 每一个小集团都支持其他的小集团,这使完成查明内部核心的任务变得困难得多。
- After bounce less quark metter remnanted in the star, more transfer energy produced in the inner core. 反弹后,星体内存留的夸克物质越少,从内星核区转移出的能量越多。
- The invention discloses an inner core accelerating cyclone separator of a vacuum cleaner. 公布了一种用于真空吸尘器的内核加速式旋风分离器。
- After enough iron in the core is accumulated, within one hundredth second, the inner core collapses and heats up dramatically. 当核心积聚了足够的铁后在百分一秒之内,核心会毁灭性地猛烈收缩,同时把核心温度提高。
- Geophysicist Dr.Josh Keyes (Aaron Eckhart, Erin Brockovich) has made a terrifying discovery: the Earth's inner core has stopped rotating. 全球科学家商讨后发现解决方法,就是在地球中心引爆一个核仪器,令地核磁场重新推动。
- The inner core of the self has telepathic and clairvoyant abilities that greatly affect family relationships and your civilization. 自我的内在核心拥有心灵感应和遥视的能力,它们能极大地影响家庭关系和你们的文明。
- If the tensile stresses in the inner core are greater than the tensile strength perpendicular to grain, internal ruptures or honeycombing occurs. 木材皱缩是当细胞腔充满水分时由于毛细血管张力和内层的压缩应力超过抗压强度引起的。
- The tables are firmly fixed to the floor. 桌子都牢牢地固定在地板上。
- If we hadn't done all that stuff, The Cleanup Department would have been fixing inner penetrations. 如果我们没有做所有的事情,清理部门就会要做修正一些内部穿插。
- Multidimensional simulations show that the plasma in the neutrino-heated layer around the inner core of a supernova develops buoyant bubbles and mushroomlike plumes. 多维度模拟显示出超新星内核边被微中子加热的电浆层,会发展出浮升的泡泡与蕈状结构。
- The vane, manufactured with the inner core coated with sols formulated with the outside lay material, could completely meet the requirement of the big-wind-power and high-wind... 将外层材料配制成溶胶涂覆于内芯上制作的尼龙叶片,完全能满足煤矿大风量、高风压抽出式局部通风机的需要。
- In RPN, to input an equation, you usually start from the inner core to the outer.For a given equation, there are many input sequences that lead to the same answer. 一般来说后置序式输入都是由内而外打进去,而且一条数式往往不同的输入顺序都可以得到同样的答案。
- The man jacked up his car to fix a flat tire. 那人用千斤顶把他的汽车顶起以修理漏气的轮胎。
- The researchers theorize that as the poles shift, the main field produced in the outer molten core weakens, becoming more susceptible to the influence of the inner core. 研究人员建立的理论与磁极的实际变动一样,熔化的核外围磁场减弱,更容易受内核的影响。