- Revaluation refers to fixed exchange rates. 货币的重新估值涉及到固定汇率。
- Who Wants to Unfasten the Screw of the Fixed Exchange Rate of RMB? 谁想松动人民币汇率管制的螺钉?
- Many have questioned the need for us to maintain a fixed exchange rate policy. 很多人质疑我们是否需要维持固定汇率政策。
- European nations, in particular, maintained a hankering for fixed exchange rates. 尤其是欧洲诸国,一直希望应用固定汇率制度。
- Convertibility between the monetary base and the reserve currency at the fixed exchange rate (i.e. $7.80 = US$1). 货币基础与储备货币可按固定汇率(即7.;80港元兑1美元)兑换。
- The policy decision of whether to adopt fixed exchange rates, flexible rates, or compromises in between hinges partly on the macroeconomic issue. 究竟采用固定汇率,变动汇率还是两者的折衷方案,这种政策决定,部分地取决于一个宏观经济问题。
- For them, the Hong Kong dollar has always been linked to the US dollar at the fixed exchange rate of 7.80. 对他们来说;港元按7.;80固定汇率与美元挂是恒常的安排。
- Why does the United States destroyed the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rate system? 为什么美国要摧毁布雷顿森林体系的固定汇率制度?
- The policy decision of whether to adopt fixed exchange rates, flexible rates, or compromises in between hinges partly on the macroeconomic issue . 究竟采用固定汇率,变动汇率还是两者的折衷方案,这种政策决定,部分地取决于一个宏观经济问题。
- When Mr Mundell expounded his theory, in the early 1960s, most rich countries were tied to the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates. 二十世纪六十年代初,孟德尔先生阐述了他的理论,当时大部分的发达国家正受困于固定汇率的布雷顿森林体系。
- S. dollar fixed exchange rate to maintain the linked exchange rate system to stabilize the rupiah. 此举遭到国际货币基金组织及美国、西欧的一致反对。
- However,all these good expectations are based on a hypothetical fixed exchange rate of RMB. 但是,这一切美好的预期是建立在人民币维持在现有的比价基础之上。
- For example under fixed exchange rates, if an export market collapses, the adverse impact is transmitted fully to the domestic economy. 举例来说,在固定汇率制度下,如果一个出口市场崩溃,国内经济就会经受全部的打击。
- The system fixed currencies in a fixed exchange rate system with 1% fluctuations of the currency to gold or the dollar. 这个体系确立了固定汇率系统中的货币对黄金或美元的比价在该货币1%25内浮动。
- In practice, even fixed exchange rates are allowed to fluctuate between definite upper and lower bands, leading to intervention by the central bank. 实际上,甚至固定汇率也被允许在规定的上限和下限浮动区间内波动,这会导致中央银行进行干预。
- Second, a fixed exchange rate regime imposes monetary discipline on countries, thereby curtailing price inflation. 其二,一种固定汇率制度向各个国家施加了货币约束,从而抑制了通货膨胀。
- The note-issuing banks may besue currency notes only by surrendering non-interest-bearing US dollar backing at a fixed exchange rate of 7.80. 发钞银行必须按7.;8的固定汇率交出无息美元保证,才可发行流通纸币。
- Moreover, the mechanism for maintaining that fixed exchange rate - through currency board arrangements - is most robust. 再者,作为维持固定汇率的机制,货币发行局制度本身是最稳健的安排。
- At a recent international conference on fixed exchange rates and capital flows held here in Hong Kong, I was given the opportunity to express my views on the subject. 在最近举行的一个有关固定汇率与资金流向的国际研讨会上,我有机会就这个课题表达意见。
- Malaysia imposed a fixed exchange rate in 1998, pegging the ringgit at 3.8 to the US dollar as part of a package of capital controls to stabilise the currency. 马来西亚1998年实施固定汇率,将林吉特兑美元汇率固定在3.;8比1,将其作为一揽子资本控制措施的一部分,以稳定其货币汇率。