- five unit signal 五单位信号
- Have five unit as trial order please advise price and other term involve. 试订五部,请告价格及有关事窒。
- All electronic computers consist of five units although they are of different kinds. 电子计算机虽然种类不同,但它们都是由五个部件组成的。
- The invoice shows forty five units, but we received only forty. 发票上写的是四十五台,但我们只收到四十台。
- So far EKC has five units , three units in India , one in Dubai and the fifth unit will an Officially goes into production in Tianjin Wu Qing Development Area in Apr. 2008. 总公司目前有五家生产工厂,三家工厂在印度,一家在阿联酋的迪拜。第五家将在2008年4月在天津武清开发区正式投产。
- The congenital union of parts of the same kind, such as a calyx of five united sepals. 结合同类各部分的先天联合,例如五个萼片联合成的花萼
- All electronic computers consist of five units,although they are of different kinds. 电子计算机虽然种类不同,但它们都是由五个部件组成的。
- The congenital union of parts of the same kind,such as a calyx of five united sepals. 结合同类各部分的先天联合,例如五个萼片联合成的花萼。
- We would like to have five units as trial,please favor the CIF NY price and other term involed. 我们想试订购五部,请惠告CIF纽约价格及其他有关条件。
- He would go to the plants every morning and pull five units at random off the line. 他每天上午都要到生产车间去,随便从生产线上拉出五件。
- We can now point to five United Nations Security Council resolutions that condemn Iraq's aggression. 我们可以看到,联合国安全理事会通过了五项决议,谴责伊拉克的侵略。
- five unit code automatic transmitter 五单位码自动发报机
- Therefore, the standard cost of five units of vcd is: $6. The actual cost of making the 5 units of vcd is $3 less than standard cost. 按单位标准成本计算的5台VCD的成本为6美元。则该产量下的实际成本比标准成本少3美元。
- protected five unit numerical code 五单位数字保护电码
- It's a tight squeeze to get five people in that small car. 五个人坐在那个小车子里真是太挤了。
- Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs of New York city. 布鲁克林区是纽约市的五个行政区之一。
- Let the tea leaves steep in boiling water for five minutes. 让茶叶在滚开的水中浸泡五分钟。
- The polytechnic is made up of five units which specialise in different areas of education.These units are located in the neighbouring towns of Kemi and Tornio. 凯米-托尔尼奥理工学院的位于北部芬兰,是连接俄国和斯堪的纳维亚地区乃至整个欧洲的门户。
- The French full-back is one of five United players with Champions League final experience (Edwin van der Sar, Gary Neville, Owen Hargreaves and Ryan Giggs are the others). 帕特赖斯.;埃弗拉要在下周的莫斯科决战上报自己的一箭之仇,他曾随摩纳哥出战冠军杯决赛。
- Linda has to commute about five miles to the city. 玛丽每天得走约五英里的路去城里上班。