- John looked fit to kill in his tuxedo. 约翰穿上晚礼服,显得十分英俊。
- The girl was dressed up fit to kill. 这女孩浓妆艳抹。
- She was dressed up fit to kill. 她打扮得花枝招展。
- When Jim appeared on the stage in an evening gown, everyone laughed fit to kill. 当吉姆穿着晚礼服出现在舞台上的时候,每一个人都快笑死了。
- You are dolled up fit to kill. 你穿得过于花哨了。
- The newspaper did not see fit to publish my letter. 该报认为不宜发表我的信。
- I don't see fit to tell all my plans. 我认为把我的全部计划告诉你是不必要的。
- He felt as if he almost wished to kill them. 他感觉彷佛几乎要杀掉他们。
- I don't see fit to tell you all my plans. 我认为把所有的计划都告诉你是不适宜的。
- They use ultraviolet lamp to kill pests. 他们使用紫外线灯杀死害虫。
- A young fellow, dressed to kill, came. 一个穿着十分惹眼的小伙子走了过来。
- I don't know why they see fit to leave so suddenly. 我不明白,他们为什么决定突然这样走掉。
- He tried to kill himself by taking poison. 他曾试图服毒自杀。
- She tried to kill the fly buzzing around her head. 她试图打死在她头上嗡嗡飞叫的苍蝇。
- The man was charged with intent to kill. 那人被指控蓄意谋杀罪。
- The editors saw fit to include some illustrations in the textbook. 编辑们认为在课本中加些插图是合适的。
- The natives use poisoned arrows to kill big game. 土著用毒箭射杀大猎物。
- fit to kill, especially for food. 适合于屠宰,特别是作为食物屠宰。
- Take not a musket to kill a butterfly. [谚]小题大做; 杀鸡焉用牛刀。
- It was a book to kill time for those who like it better dead. 对那些认为它闷得可以的人们说来,那是一本为消磨时间的书。