- He shut up his mouth like a clam when asked for details. 当被问及详情时,他噤若寒蝉。
- Then chooses such fish mouth's design, packs the black part, moreover the instep is glossiness good fruit jelly color as far as possible, will like this only then not think dirty. 那么就选择这样鱼嘴的款式,将黑色的部分包装起来,而且鞋面尽量是光泽度好的果冻色,这样才不会觉得脏脏的哦。
- For heaven's sake go and fetch me a cup of tea. I've got a mouth like the bottom of a parrot's cage! 看在老天爷的面子上去拿一杯茶给我吧。我口里一点味也没有。
- Usage and effect: Puts on the 金冷 underpants, let the temperature decrease bag tightly touch the scrotum and the penis (a line look like suture place). 使用与效果:穿上金冷内裤,使降温袋部分紧贴阴囊和阴茎内侧(一条如缝合线处)。
- The boy takes his hands to his mouth like the Maestro did earlier when he pulled his skin off. 男孩学着迈斯卓的样子把手放在自己嘴边,好像要学迈斯卓把自己的皮扯掉的样子。
- There was a tendency during the procedure of the spine to hyperextend, and "fish mouth" at the T11-T12 level, which confirmed the likelihood of this being an extension mechanism. 在脊柱的进程中存在着过度扩展的趋势,而位于T11-T12水平的“鱼嘴”证实了这是一种扩展机制的可能性。
- And the roof of your mouth like the best wine-Going down smoothly for my beloved, Gliding through the lips of those who sleep. 9你的口如上好的酒-为我的良人下咽舒畅,流入睡觉人的嘴中。
- He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his hand he hid me; he made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver. 他使我的口如快刀,将我藏在他手荫之下;又使我成为磨亮的箭,将我藏在他箭袋之中;
- Love to live in a two-tier rock hole, when to eat, enough to those of the two photo live catch, mouth like 4 knife claws of the food into his mouth after the split. 喜欢生活在双层礁石洞中,当要进食时,两前足摄住捕获物,嘴边4支似餐刀的爪子把食物分割后送进嘴里。
- The Barb is what makes a hook stick in a fishes mouth (or your finger). 倒钩是指钩子钩在鱼嘴里不容易脱落.;有些钩子是无倒钩的方便揭开鱼儿也不会容易伤到自己
- Virtual3 D pets are designed for the Internet by using Virtual Reality Modeling Language( VRML) in this paper, which can wink their eyes or open their mouth like human. 针对因特网环境采用虚拟实境造型语言(RML)虚拟动物进行三维设计,使其可以进行眨眼和“说话”,等拟人动画。
- It does happen that bundles of them are carried in and sold on the streets, but if they are not as thin as the limbs of a beggar they pucker up your mouth like an unripe persimmon so that it is impossible to enjoy them. 至于挑着担子在街上叫卖的,也并不是没有,但不是瘦得象乞丐的臂腿,便涩得象未熟的柿子,实在无从欣羡。
- Stir Fry fish mouth with chopped pepper 剁椒鱼咀
- She had a caressing and tender air, a gentle look, an angelic smile, a mouth like my own, ashengrey hair of rare beauty, which she wore in a careless fashion, which gave her a very piquant appearance. 她的态度亲切随和,目光很柔和,天使般的笑容,一张和我一样的嘴,罕见的秀发是灰色的,经她这么不经意一梳更添无穷魅力。
- Fish were surfacing to catch insects. 鱼浮到水面上捕捉昆虫。
- A hug is like an emotional Heimlich: they put their arms around you and give you a squeeze and all your fear and anxiety goes shooting out of your mouth like a big, wet wad and you can breathe again. 一个好的拥抱就像感情的海姆利克氏疗法:人们把双臂环绕着你,用力挤一下,然后你所有湿湿嗒嗒的一大坨恐惧忧虑,都会从你嘴里喷涌而出,然后你就又能自由呼吸了。
- It's so teensy and glossy and perfect, you want to put it in your mouth like a hard candy.For that, blame Jonathan Ive, 38, the affable Brit who heads Apple's industrial-design department. 从理论上来说,每个会上网的人都可以架设自己的部落格,那麽部落格的数目至少应该会和上网的人数一样多才是。
- Madam Chou ordinarily spoke quite quickly, and this speech she uttered without stopping for breath. The words came sliding out of her mouth like pearls rolling down a smooth surface. 周氏说话,调子本来很快,她接连地说下去没有一点顿挫,一口气说了这么多话,话从她的口里出来,就像珠子从光滑的石头上滚落下去,一直到底,滚个不停。
- The area of Fishing Mouth Peninsula is 6 sq.km and 3 sides face to the river.Its entironment is predominant;as a result, a lot of investors scramble for the land. 钓鱼嘴半岛面积约6平方公里,三面临江,生态环境优越,成为众多投资商争夺的热土。
- Would you like me to gill the fish? 你要我来除去鱼的内脏吗?