- fish skin disease 鳞癣
- The skin disease scarred his face permanently. 皮肤病在他的脸上留下了麻点。
- This skin disease will clear up in a day or two. 这种皮肤病一两天之内就会好的。
- It is other skin disease, not be a tinea! 是别的皮肤病,不是股癣!
- Pemphigus is an uncommon autoimmune skin disease. 天疱疮是一种罕见的自身免疫性皮肤病。
- This new medicine will cure him of his skin disease. 这种新药将能治好他的皮肤病。
- Vitiligo is a skin disease causing the loss of pigmentation in which patients develop white spots in the skin. 白癫风是一种皮肤病,其患者皮肤失去天然颜色,产生白色斑点。
- Hezhe clothing use Pangtou Yu, sturgeon, such as Damahayu made of fish skin. 赫哲族的衣服多用胖头鱼、鲟鱼、大马哈鱼等鱼皮制成。
- The doctor diagnosed my illness as a rare skin disease . 医生诊断我的病为罕见的皮肤病。
- Bactericidal Action of a New Fish Drug “ Kangdafu ” to the Pathogen of Complication of Farunculosis and Putrid Skin Disease in Soft shelled Turtle. 鱼用新药“康达富”对中华鳖“疖疮”、“腐皮”并发病病原菌的杀灭作用
- This medicine is used to treat external skin disease. 这种用来治疗皮肤外部的疾
- Hives isa skin disease with red patches and itching. 荨麻疹是一种骚痒,呈红斑的皮肤病。
- Open wound , skin disease , eye illness are unsuitable to swim. 有开放性伤口、皮肤病、眼疾不宜游泳。
- Tinea is by fungus (namely mould) the skin disease that cause. 癣是由真菌(即霉菌)引起的皮肤病。
- The doctor diagnosed my illness as a rare skin disease. 医生诊断我的病为罕见的皮肤
- What medicaments can have treated chronic skin disease? 什么药物能够治疗好慢性皮肤病?
- Fish skin paper - cut design of Hezhe includes animal totem, Saman trees, paper - cut of the spiral line, etc. The lines are smooth, style is rough, and the decorating is strong. 赫哲族的鱼皮剪纸样式有动物图腾、萨满树,螺旋纹剪纸等,线条流畅,风格粗犷,装饰性强。
- He is a specialist in skin diseases. 他是皮肤病的专家。
- They are also effective in treating skin diseases. 将其活用于皮肤科疾病治疗,亦常获佳效。
- Some skin diseases are difficult to treat. 一些皮肤病不好治。