- One of these issues is the fiscal deficit. 上一个财政年度的赤字约为。
- What is your view about the current fiscal deficit? 如果再连续几年增发国债的话,财政风险会不会逐渐加大?
- Thereupon the fiscal deficits would surely worsen, once again. 财政赤字也必然会因此再度加剧。
- Mr Golding has promised a fresh effort to cut the fiscal deficit. 戈尔丁也承诺将采取新的措施削减财政赤字。
- Companies were preparing to deal with the fiscal deficit. 公司正准备处理财政赤字问题。
- Larger fiscal deficits will not neutralise the impact of these factors. 提高财政赤字并不能抵消这些因素的影响。
- Montoya said he is waging "a real war" on fiscal deficits, and has already taken several steps to reduce the widespread tax fraud in Argentina. 莫托亚称,他正在针对财政赤字发起“一场真正的战争”,而且已经为减少阿根廷国内普遍漏税的情况采取了一些措施。
- Since both Japan and US hold similar rates of return, are extending fiscal deficits and see dour economic futures, trends will be dampened. 翻译机:由于日本和美国举办类似的回报率,是扩大财政赤字和见严厉的经济期货,趋势将因此而黯淡。(请问正确的翻译是什么?)
- Seventh, monetization of fiscal deficits is not inflationary in the short run...slack product and labor markets imply massive deflationary forces. 第七,财政赤字的货币化短期内不会带来通货膨胀压力,而产品和就业市场表现疲软可能会带来巨大的通货紧缩压力。
- Increasingly it is clear that unless such reduction in fiscal deficits occurs, the incentive to continue monetizing them will increase. 越发明显的是,除非减少财政赤字的发生,否则他们继续货币化的动机将会增加。
- Unless entitlement systems are reformed (by reducing benefits) or tax bases broadened, fiscal deficits will rise still further. 除非对福利体制进行改革(通过减少福利),或者扩大征税范围,否则财政赤字就仍将上涨。
- In most developing countries increased government expenditures led to record fiscal deficit in 1982 and 1983. 在大多数发展中国家,政府开支的增加导致了1982和1983年的创纪录的财政赤字。
- Despite our huge fiscal deficit, we will continue to devote enormous resources to education. 虽然政府现正面对大财赤,但仍会继续在教育方面投放大量资源。
- Despite this cautiously optimistic economic outlook, we still need to address the problem of the fiscal deficit. 纵使我们对未来的经济发展审慎乐观,我们仍须处理严重的财赤问题。
- Public revenue has increased and government expenditure has been contained, greatly easing the fiscal deficit. 公共财政收入增加,政府开支受到控制,赤字压力大为纾缓。
- Thirdly, the central fiscal deficit was managed within the figures allowed by the adjusted budget, and the local budgets have slight surplus. 三是中央财政赤字可以控制在调整预算批准的数额之内,地方财政略有结余。
- Ricardian Equivalence Rule is an important factor which is used to evaluate fiscal deficit effect. 李嘉图等价定理是评价财政赤字效果的重要因素之一。
- The conservatives burden us with tedious talk of lag times, government waste, quibbling about multipliers and some nonsense about the sustainability of large, fiscal deficits. 保守派们总是反复乏味地讨论时滞,政府浪费,乘数效应的诡论,和巨额财政赤字,来困扰大家。
- It could also scare foreign investors, who are needed to fund the ballooning fiscal deficit. 但这可能还会吓退海外投资者,而美国不断膨胀的财政赤字需要他们的资金。
- Thus the reason the US, the UK and Spain have huge fiscal deficits is that they are offsetting the collapse of private spending at home and the export of demand abroad. 因此,美国、英国和西班牙出现巨额财政赤字的原因是:它们在抵消本国私人开支的崩溃以及国外的出口需求。