- By macroeconomic policy I mean the twin areas of fiscal and monetary policies. 我所指的宏观经济政策包含财政与货币政策。
- Fiscal and monetary policy should provide support to the economy in the short to medium term. 财政和货币政策应该在短期或中期内为经济发展提供帮助。
- In the following discussion we will identify the major lags, with special reference to fiscal and monetary policy. 在接下来的讨论中,我们会特别参考财政金融政策,确定几种主要滞后现象。
- Expenditure Changing - adopting fiscal and monetary policy to reduce the level of AD. This will reduce the demand for imports. 采取财政政策和货币政策来减少逆差。这可以降低对进口的需求。
- The fundamental cause of this second recession was an unfortunate, and largely inadvertent, switch to contractionary fiscal and monetary policy. 导致这次二度衰退的根本原因在于决策者不幸地(很大程度上说是无意地)采取了紧缩性的财政货币政策。
- The risk of a 1930s-style outbreak of protectionism is much lower because countries are able to use fiscal and monetary policy more flexibly. 因为各国能够灵活运用财政与货币政策,1930年式贸易保护主义风潮再次爆发的风险很低。
- Third, make future normalisation of fiscal and monetary policies credible. 第三,让未来规范化的财政和货币政策可信。
- Stabilizing policies means ensuring the continuity and consistency of macroeconomic policy and continuing to follow prudent fiscal and monetary policies. 稳定,就是保持宏观经济政策的连续性和稳定性,继续实施稳健的财政政策和货币政策。
- Solution to deflation normally involves expansionary fiscal and monetary policies. 一般情况下,克服通货紧缩,要同时实行积极的或扩张的财政政策和货币政策。
- The macro-economic regulation system by integrating State planning with fiscal and monetary policies q! 国家计划和财政政策、货币政策等相互配合的宏观调控体系!
- The course will give an understanding of how fiscal and monetary policies affect the macroeconomy. 同时,我们也将会在营销方面介绍比其他的课程更多的理论。
- The Group emphasised the importance for Japan to maintain accommodating fiscal and monetary policies until recovery is firmly established. 该小组强调,在日本复苏动力仍未建立稳固的根基之前,当局仍然应该维持通融的财政及货币政策。
- As a consequence, aggregate demand has strengthened considerably, aided greatly by stimulative fiscal and monetary policies. 因此,总需求已大大加强,得益于刺激性的财政和货币政策很大。
- Several big economies are being supported by expansionary fiscal and monetary policies, which will eventually have to be unwound. 一些大的经济体都靠扩张性的财政和货币政策作支撑,但这终究有天会到头。
- Only with synergistic effect of fiscal and monetary policies can balanced, sustainable and healthy economic growth be ensured. 只有通过财政政策和货币政策的配合作用,才能保证经济的平稳持续健康增长。
- He predicted a “bumpy” return to record prices by the summer on the back of loose fiscal and monetary policies and US dollar weakness. 他预计,在宽松的财政货币政策及美元疲软的影响下,今年夏天金价还将强势反弹至历史高位。
- We should improve the macroeconomic control system featuring the coordination of state planning and fiscal and monetary policies to give play to economic leverage. 完善国家计划和财政政策、货币政策等相互配合的宏观调控体系,发挥经济杠杆的调节作用。
- Finance, Fiscal and Monetary Policy Committee 日对上议院金融财政货币委员会
- Fiscal and Monetary Policy During Deflation 通货紧缩时期的财政与货币政策
- Fiscal and Monetary Policy of EU 欧洲联盟的财政货币政策